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Lucas POV

I watch her fall asleep. She's cuddled up next to me. She's beautiful. Absolutely mesmerizing. I'm a total goner when it comes to Maya Hart. There's something about her that just makes you want to come back.

Maya was always like that. In school she was that one girl everyone literally worshipped but was too afraid to befriend. She was a magnet. She pulled you in. Once you were in you never came out.

I spent awhile being jealous of all the guys she would talk to or date. Don't get me wrong, I liked Riley but there's something about Maya.

Her life was far from perfect though. With her father leaving she had trust issues. It hurt to watch her accept her fate as a nobody. It hurt to see her give up on herself. Maya deserved better. Maya deserved everything.

When Maya left everything changed. She was what held all of us together. She was the rebel and the artist. The sarcasm in our conversations and the threat in our fights. She was the air I breathed and I didn't realize it.

I made the wrong choice and that was the worst mistake of my life. I didn't realize I needed her until she left and by then it was too late. She was gone and I lost hope of finding her. I was angry at myself for letting her slip away.

When she came back everything felt better. I felt complete. I could finally breathe. Rion was an extra blessing. I have my Maya and my Rion.

Right now all I want is to be with her but I want her to come on her own time. I'm not going to force anything. Nothing good ever comes of it.

Am I in love with her? Yes. I am totally, completely, irresistibly in love with Maya Penelope Hart and I want the world to know. I want to hold her and kiss her. I want to build a life with her. I want to raise my baby with her.

I need her but does she need me?

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