Kicks and Giggles

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Maya's POV

I fall asleep in Lucas' arms. When I wake up I'm snuggled up into him. His arms are wrapped around me. I smile and snuggle even closer. He slowly wakes up and looks down at me.

"You sleep good?" He asks lazily as he yawns.

"Mhmm. You?"


Rion starts to stir so Lucas gets up to get him. He brings him in bed and I cuddle my little boy. I can't believe I actually thought I could stay away from my baby. I missed him.

"Mommy is sorry she left. Mommy won't do that again." I whisper to him.

"You better not." Lucas mutters.

We sit and play with Rion for awhile. We don't talk, at least not to at the moment, we just listen. An overwhelming calmness washes over me and for some reason I start to cry.

"Maya? Why are you crying?" Lucas asks in concern.

"Because I feel like I'm home and I'm happy for once in my life. I'm actually happy and I know I'm gonna screw it up sooner or later. I don't want that to happen. I just want to stay here in this moment." I cry.

"Hey, you won't mess this up, the world will. The worlds gonna throw you some curveballs and you just gotta keep going."

"I can't believe I was going to leave my baby with you, Ranger Rick." I laugh as I wipe away my tears.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks with a small pout.

"Well considering you didn't even put the child in his pjs last night should give you a clue." I tease. "Mommy would never leave you with a clueless Huckleberry." I coo at Ri.

I set him down in his crib and Lucas and I start getting ready. After I take a shower Lucas jumps in and I sit and play with Rion.

"RiRi, when ya gonna roll over for mommy?" I ask. To my surprise he starts to kick and then he turns. I'm so shocked I just watch him kick around face down. I shake my head and roll him back over. "Lucas! LUCAS COME QUICKLY!" I yell in excitement.

Lucas rushes in with just a towel on. His hair is still wet from the shower and he looks panicked and absolutely hot. I can't help but blush just a little.

"What? What happened?"

"Rion just rolled over!" I squeal.

"And of course I missed it." Lucas groans. I giggle. "Okay. Hold him until I get back cuz I wanna see." He says. He comes back and I set Rion on the floor in front of us.

"Come on BuBu. Roll over for daddy!" I say. Rion just kicks and sucks on his little animal.

"Come on, Rion. Roll over for daddy." Lucas tries.

We try for another 15 minutes but the boy won't budge. He just giggles and talks baby talk. I laugh and pick him up and kiss him.

"Stubborn like you." Lucas says smiling.

"Good. I need at least one strong guy in my life." I tease.

"Shut up." He laughs.

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