Tell Him

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Maya's POV

I decide to stay at Riley's for the weekend while Lucas heads to Farkle's with Zay. Not only do I want to talk with Riley about Lucas but I also want Rion to be around the Matthews'. They're my second family. I couldn't imagine raising a child without them in his life.

When I get there Topanga is quick to get Rion out and play with him. Auggie joins the group followed by Ava. Riley and I head to the bay window and let everyone play with Rion.

"So I hear you've moved in with Lucas."

"Well. Sort of."

"So what does that mean?" Riley asks.

"Nothing. We just want to have both parents in Rion's life."

"It's not nothing, Maya. There's obviously something or we wouldn't be talking about this. Do you like Lucas?"

"Riley, I love him." I say to her.

"Then tell him. Life's about taking risks and living! Don't you want to find out if he feels the same way?"

"If I take this risk and he doesn't return the feelings then we might as well throw this whole thing away. I might as well leave. As much as I want him in my life as more than just a friend I have Rion to think about. I want Rion to have his father in his life but if Lucas doesn't return the feelings then everything will be ruined."

"Maya, only when Lucas doesn't love you will I ever stop being happy. That boy is crazy for you. My whole life would be a lie if he doesn't love you. Just tell him."

"Riley, it's not that simple."

"But it is!"

"It's not. Remember when we tried to date? It was terrible. I'm not going to get my hopes up over this."

"The only reason that it didn't work out then is because it was forced. I forced that on you guys. It was too much like mine and Lucas's date. Please, just think about telling him then."

Topanga calls us to dinner leaving our conversation at a standstill. Soon enough the little talk we had leaves my mind. I don't think about it until late that night when Lucas texts me.

Huckleberry: Hey. How's Ri?
Maya: Great and I'm good too😂
Huckleberry: Oh right. You're there too. Totally forgot😉
Maya: Wow. And I'm supposed to raise a child with you😂
Huckleberry: Oh come on. You love me
Maya: What you guys doing?
Huckleberry: Guy stuff
Maya: Should I be worried?
Huckleberry: Yep. Definitely
Maya: Whatever. I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow
Huckleberry: Goodnight
Maya: night

When I wake up the next morning Riley has already fed and changed Rion. I come out to find her reading a story.

"Riles, I don't think he's the unicorn princessy type." I laugh.

"Oh but it's my favorite book."

"I know. Might as well finish it I guess." I giggle as I give my baby a kiss.

After the story is over we get ready so we can go out and take a walk around Central Park. I push Ri's stroller and Riley skips around. Rion eventually falls asleep while we're sitting and eating pizza.

"When you left everything sort of just fell apart. Lucas and I grew apart. Farkle left to see if he could find you. It was weird. I mean we kept each other updated but everything was different. A few months later, when Farkle came back, we got closer. Lucas and Zay had gone back home for a little. Next thing you know I finally realize I'm in love with him. Always have been. I guess I just didn't realize I actually needed him."

"Ya. The heart does that to you. Your heart knows what it wants but your brain thinks this choice is better. That's why I left. My brain was telling me to go and my heart was telling me to stay. You don't realize what you have until it's gone."

"Is that how you felt when me and Lucas were together? Is that why you stepped back?"

"Well, maybe in a way. My heart knew I wanted Lucas but I kept telling myself it was for the best. Let him go. So I tried. It's a lot more simple said than done." I say to Riley. She has a sad look in her eye.

"I'm sorry. I should've known."

"Riley, it's okay. What's done is done." I pull her into a hug. When I look up I see the guys.

"You just can't seem to stay away, Ranger Rick." I tease.

"I should say the same thing about you."

"Hey, you're the one who found me." I laugh.
Lucas looks in the stroller and looks back up with a disappointed face.

"He's asleep."

"It's nap time. You know that."

"Ya but still."

"If I knew you were coming I maybe could've kept him awake but you know how he is."

"Ya you're right."

"What are you guys doing here anyways?" Riley asks pulling Farkle into a hug and pecking him on the cheek.

"Fredrico's is the best pizza in Central Park. We were going to go to the lake after." Zay says peeking into the stroller.

"Mind if we come?" Riley asks.

"Of course not." Farkle replies as he takes her hand and pulls her along to lead the way.

With Farkle and Riley in the lead and Zay next me and Lucas bring up the rear. Lucas pushes the stroller and I walk beside. I can't help but think about what Riley told me last night. Tell him.

"You okay, short stack?" Lucas asks.

"Oh, ya. Just thinking."


"Timing. It all about timing." I reply. Lucas gives me a confused look but doesn't say anything.

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