Get To Know You

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Maya's POV

"So when was he born?" Lucas asks while we're out walking around Central Park. I decided to have just a day with just me, him, and Orion. I'm sure Lucas has questions and I want him to get to know his son.

"February 7th at 3:45 AM."

"So he's around 3 months?"

"Yep. Three months in about a 2 weeks actually."

"Full name?"

"Orion Lucas Friar-Hart."

"After me?"

"No the other Lucas I know, Huckleberry." I reply sarcastically. Lucas laughs.

"Sorry. I just didn't think you would-"

"I was always going to tell you whether it be then or the future. I wanted you to be apart of his life."

"You're 100 percent sure he's mine?"

"Of course. 200 percent sure if that makes you feel any better. I was never with anyone else."

"Good." Lucas says.

I stop. "Good?" I ask.

"Ya. Good."

I'm not really sure what he means by that but I push it away. We walk back to his apartment so I can feed Orion. I'm sitting on Lucas' bed feeding Rion and watching a movie. Lucas sits on his beanbag.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." I say raising an eyebrow at him.

"Sorry, I just can't believe it. I have a son."

"Believe me, I didn't believe it either." I say thinking back on the day I found out.

"So how-"

"Missed period. Morning sickness. You know."

"I think I remember that."

"Ya I was out of school for a few days." I say as I burp Ri.

"Ya. Then you left." I look up to see Lucas staring at me. He has a sad look in his eye that makes me want to cry.

"I'm sorry. If I could take anything back it'd be leaving."

"I know you are. I just want to spend as much time with Rion as I can to make up for those lost months." Lucas says.

I hand Ri to Lucas and lay back to watch the movie. When I wake up both Lucas and Rion are gone. I walk downstairs to find Lucas' mom playing with Orion on the couch.

"Maya, he's beautiful."

"Oh thanks. He sure is a handful."

"Well, if you need anything I'm always here. Lucas went to go get some food so I thought I could watch him for a little bit."

"Thanks. You could have just woken me up."

"I know how much work babies are. I think you deserve a nap or two." Abby laughs. "Well I really would love to stay and play with my new grandson but I have to go shop so I'll hopefully see you soon." She says as she hands me Rion and head out the door.

"Bye." I say. "Ri, what are we gonna do now?"
Of course he doesn't answer but he cops which should count for something.

Lucas comes back after 30 minutes. He brought us In N Out. My favorite. I set Rion on his blanket and sit at the table with Lucas. We sit and talk for awhile. Lucas asks me about California and I can't help but drone on and on.

"Lucas, is so warm. All the time. It's so perfect."

"No. Texas is perfect." He argues.

"Texas has no beach or Disneyland."

"Well California doesn't have cowboys."

"It does have celebrities though." Lucas heaves a sigh and laughs. "I always win."

"Maybe this time but watch out."

I roll my eyes and go pick up Rion who's is wide awake. He's smiling and giggling. Lucas and I laugh at our silly baby.

We sit and play and watch Rion for hours. At around 9 I put Rion in Lucas's room to sleep. Lucas and I sit downstairs and watch a movie. I'm so tired I don't realize I fell asleep until I wake curled up next to Lucas. Wait. How did I get here? I look to my left and Rion is wide awake in his car seat. I slip out of bed and pick my baby up. I take him back to bed and snuggle him up between Lucas and I. Rion looks around curiously and talks baby talk. He sees Lucas and starts smiling. He kicks his legs and waves his arms in excitement.

"That's right, Ri. That's daddy." I whisper. Lucas is still sleeping so I rest Rion carefully on his chest. Rion is giggling and kicking still. Lucas wakes up and smiles lazily. He lifts him up into the air and brings him down for a kiss.

"Hey buddy. How's my lil man?" Lucas coos. I smile and giggle. "And how's my Maya?"

"Great." I say blushing.


"I think today is the day we tell everyone." I say sitting up.

"You sure?" Lucas asks scooting up next to me. He lifts his knees and rests Rion on his thighs. I smile and tickle my baby under his chin.

"Better now than later."

"Fine. Let's do it."

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