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Maya's POV

I'm back at Lucas' playing with Rion in Lucas' room. Rion sits in his baby bumbo. I tickle under his chin and he giggles. Lucas sits on the bean bag watching us.

"Rion! Peek a boo!" I say pulling a blanket away from my face. Rion laughs. "Peek a boo!" I say again. He can't get enough of this game. Soon Lucas and I are laughing at how hard Rion is laughing. Rion laughs so hard he gets the hiccups.

"Time for your bath, bubu." I say. I head into the bathroom and start running the water. I add some bubbles in this time to see what Rion does. Now that he can sit up better he loves to splash and play with his toys.

I take Rion and put him in his little tub seat. He kicks and plays with the bubbles. I sit on the floor next to the bath. Lucas come son quietly sitting down.

"You're quiet. Everything okay?" I ask as I block Ri from putting bubbles in his mouth.

"Ya. I'm okay."

"That doesn't sound very convincing." I reply raising an eyebrow at him.

"Don't worry about it." Lucas says.


I finish bathing Rion and I get him ready for bed. I make him a quick bottle and feed him. I get up to put him to bed and walk back in to see Lucas with his head in his hands.

"Hey, are you sure your you're okay?" I ask.

He looks up at me. He looks nervous. "I kissed someone, Maya."

I don't register what he says at first. "What?"

"Remember when you stayed at Riley's and I stayed at Farkle's?"


"I met someone."

"Oh." I say. "Are you still talking? Have you seen her again?"

"Well, ya. I have."

I really don't know what to say. This is why I didn't tell him. I knew this would happen. If this had happened and we'd been together everything would be ruined. Am I heartbroken? Of course but it's too late now.

"Do you like her?"

"Ya. I think so."

"Well then, I assume she's going to want to come over soon so I'll just get out of your hair."

"What do you mean?" Lucas asks.

"She probably doesn't want the baby mamma living with her boyfriend so I'll pack and leave tomorrow. I've already been staying more than you've probably wanted me to." I say sadly.

"Are you mad?" Lucas asks.

"No. Of course not. I'm happy for you. Rion and I will leave tomorrow." I say walking to the door. Honestly, I'm a bit hurt he's not even protesting.

"Where are you going?"

"The spare room. Now that you have a girlfriend I don't think we need to be sleeping together." I say as I close the door and head to the spare room.

It's lonely that night. I miss Lucas. I cry myself to sleep. I really don't know what I was expecting. I just wasn't expecting this.

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