The Date

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Maya's POV

I avoid Josh over the next few days. Well, sort of avoid him. I can't have Lucas leaving again but I also kind of forget about him. I don't realize until I get a text from him.

Josh: Hey. Did you forget about me? With a kiss that good you'd think the girl would at least text😉

Maya: Oh, I'm sorry. I've been busy😂😂

Josh: Figured. I mean you do have a son but when do I get to see you again?

Maya: I don't know. Like I've said I've been busy

Josh: Is it that cowboy? I can take him

Maya: It's not the cowboy. Well maybe a little but we have son

Josh: and you deserve a break. Let me take you out.

Maya: Josh, I don't know

Josh: I'm not taking that as a no so I'll pick you up at 6 on Friday😊

I sigh and lay back down on Lucas' bed. He walks in with popcorn and drinks and sits down next to me.

"What's up?"

"Just Josh stuff."

"Oh." His expression darkens. "What does he want?"

"He wants to take me out on Friday."

"Did you say no?"

"Well he wouldn't let me and why would I say no?"

"I don't know!"

"Are you jealous, Ranger Rick?" I tease.


"It's okay if you are. I know I'm a catch."

"I'm not jealous. I just think you deserve better."

"Well, honestly I don't want to go but he won't take no for an answer." I reply in the end.

"Make an excuse."

"Here, how about I go and leave early. I do have a significant reason."

"Fine." Lucas says and starts the movie.

On Friday, just like he said, Josh is waiting at my door at 6. I'm glad he said to not dress up because I am not about that life. That's always been Riley.

"So where we going?" I ask as he opens the door for me.

"The new restaurant down in the park. The Gazebo."

"Oh, I've always wanted to go there."

"Well good thing we're going then. It's almost near impossible to get reservations."

"Then how did you get them."

"Oh you know. My charm and good looks." He winks. I roll my eyes. "And also a family friend."

"Of course. Joshua Matthews always taking the easy way." I tease.

The night goes absolutely wonderful. I'm having such a great time that I completely forget the time. When I look down at my phone I gasp.

"Josh, its 11:30!"

"Ya, so?"

"I have a baby I needed to put to bed about 4 hours ago."

"Oh, isn't Lucas watching him though?"

"Well, yes..."

"So you'll be fine. Just a little while longer please?" He pouts and gives me the puppy dog eyes.

"I hate you Joshua Matthews." I say as I lace my finger through his and head out.

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