It's Your Choice

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Lucas's POV

It kills me to see her pack. She just looks empty. I really debated on telling her but I knew she'd find out sooner or later. I didn't know what I felt anymore. I know I like Maya but nothing was happening so I met someone. Cass was sweet and fun but she wasn't Maya.

I help Maya carry the last of the boxes out to her car. She puts the car seat in the back and lets me say bye to Rion.

"See you soon, bubu." I say giving him a kiss. I would've loved to have Rion stay with me but I didn't want to fight Maya on this.

"I'm sorry."

"Stop. It's okay."


"Huckleberry, I will have to slap you if you apologize again. It's not like we were together. It's okay." I nod but I don't feel satisfied with that answer. I feel guilty about the whole thing.

"Okay. I'll see ya soon." I say.

"Ya. See ya." Maya says giving me a small smile and she hops in her car.

I watch her drive away. I'm still standing there after she's been gone for awhile. I don't know what to do. I don't want to go back to my apartment. It's lonely without Maya. I decide to just walk around for a little bit. I end up at Topanga's.

"Hey, Lucas." Maya's mom calls. Guilt is all I feel.


"So I heard. You okay?"

"I feel bad but-"

"Nothing was happening. I get it. It's Maya. Stubborn and closed off. It's okay."

"What do I do?"

"If I were you, I would see what happens." Katy says handing me a smoothie.


"Ya but that's just me. This is your choice."

"That doesn't make me feel any better."

"Listen. I know how Maya feels and I could tell you and make you make a choice but I'm not going to do that. This is your choice. It's all up to you. Right now the balls in your court." Katy says winking and getting back to work.

I leave after a while. I have a date with Cass. The night goes well with me and her taking and having fun. I can't help but wonder about Maya. The balls in my court. It's my choice.

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