The Worst

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Maya's POV

I get to Lucas' at around 12. I can't help but smile as I close the door. I seem to be walking on air. When I get to his room Lucas is sitting in a chair.

"Hey." I say. I probably look like a goof with my smile bigger than my face. Lucas does not smile back.

"You were supposed to be here at 7. Where were you?"

"On a date. You knew that." I say as I take slip my heels off.

"You said you'd end the date early. We had a deal."

"It was just a date. I haven't been on a date in what has felt like years."

"You have a child."

"And you were here with him. I wasn't worried. I knew he'd be fine."

"I'm not saying you should have been worried, I'm saying you should have come home."

"You can't tell me what to do." I say turning to face him and crossing my arms.

"You are the mother of my child. You should damn well know that I'm going to make sure you make god choices." Lucas says loudly.

"I am making good choices. Orion is the whole reason I have not fallen apart. He has kept me together. He brought me back."

"Maya, it won't really matter what happened in the past if you ruin it all on a douchey ass guy."

"What do you have against him? Why do you hate him so much?" I ask.

"Maya, he will hurt you. He will leave you. He doesn't really care."

"Josh is the only one who's cared."

"You must be blind or stupid. Wake up, Maya! Josh is a dick who doesn't give a damn about you. He just wants to get into your pants. You outta be the worst mother! You don't care about you son! You don't care about the consequences! I bet you will leave Rion just like your father left you because we all know it runs in the family!" Lucas yells.

I swallow and my stomach drops. I don't have anything to say. The tears fall down my face silently. Lucas looks absolutely awful. He tries to backtrack but it's too late. What's said is said and there's no way this one is going to be gone.

I don't say anything. I walk out the room and head straight to the door. I can hear Lucas running down the stairs after me but I'm already out the door and running outside. I can't breathe. I'm running as fast as I can. By the time I stop I have no idea where I am. I call a cab and go home. Instead of going to the apartment I head up to the roof.

"He's right. I'm a bad mom." I whisper.

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