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Maya's POV

Lucas has Rion for the weekend so I stay at Riley's. We sit in the kitchen making cookies. Riley has flour everywhere. This is the third batch we're making due to Riley burning the first two batches.

"I'm confident this will work this time."

"You said that the first time." I laugh.

"No, this is the batch. I have a feeling." She says while she pushes the oven door closed and starting the timer. 

"Maya, are you okay?" Riley asks.

"Not you too." I groan.

"What? I just want to know if you're okay."

"Riley, I am fine."

"But Maya, he-"

"Yes. I know. I'm very aware of what happened. I'm not going to let it bother me though."

"He feels bad. He feels guilty."

"Riley, why on earth should he feel guilty?"


"We weren't together. Nothing happened. I'm fine. We're fine."

"Don't you want to fight for him?"

"Riley, it's too late. I'd just look desperate."

"Maya, if he didn't actually have feelings for you don't you think he wouldn't feel so guilty?"

She got me there. Why would he feel guilty? She smiles and and squeezes my hand. She's got me exactly where she wants me. Thinking about Lucas.

I can't sleep that night. I'm still thinking about Lucas. This would me so much simpler if I hadn't come back or I hadn't left. Either way it wouldn't have been this complicated.

While I'm sitting and trying to figure things out,  Josh texts me. We talk for awhile and decide to hang the next day. I finally fall asleep with no thoughts of the Lucas problem in my head.

The next morning I wake up to Riley pulling me out of bed and rushing me to pack and get ready.

"Whoa. Riley. What's going on?" I ask.

"Sorry, Farkle is coming and-"

"I see how it is. You choose your boyfriend over me?" I ask feigning disapproval.

"I'm sorry."

"No it's fine. Lucas should be bringing Rion over soon anyways." I say laughing.

"Thanks Peaches."

"Anything for my best friend." I say wrapping her up in a hug and disappearing through the window. 

I have enough time to take a shower and get ready before Lucas comes over. Josh should be over soon after Lucas drops Rion off so I try to look presentable. I settle on a dress.

Lucas comes soon after I'm dressed so I quickly  rush downstairs. When I open the door I immediately stoop to say hello to my baby boy.

"Hello to you too, Maya." Lucas chuckles.

"Hey, so how was it?" I ask letting Lucas follow through the door.

"Good. Same old thing. I let Cass meet him."

"That's good." I say. "Did he do okay?"

"Um, not exactly. Didn't take to her to well." I can barely keep my face straight. Ha. Suck it Cass.

"That's to bad."

"So did you wear that just for me?" Lucas asks smirking.


"The dress. You wore that in Texas. Remember?" I didn't even realize I threw on the Texas dress. I suddenly feel sad. I'm rushed with memories of choices and camp fires and stars.

"I didn't know this is the dress I pulled out. I've been rushing a bit."

"Oh. Going out somewhere?"

"Well actually they're coming over."


"Josh." I say quietly.

"Josh? As in Joshua Matthews?" Lucas asks angrily.

"You can't be mad. You're seeing someone." I protest.

"No, that's different."

"How? This is the same as you. I'm allowed to see other people!"

"Maya, this is Josh."

"And you're seeing Cass. How is this different?"

"It just is! I'm not letting you have Rion over if he comes over." Lucas says as he begins to put Rion back in his car seat.

"No! No, wait stop! You can't take him!" I say pulling on Lucas.

"I sure as hell can and will." Lucas shouts as he pushes me away.

"No. Lucas, please! I'll tell Josh to not come! Please!"

"Maya, stop! We're leaving!" Lucas yells at me. I flinch.

"He's all I have left." I say. Lucas doesn't even look back. He walks out the door and is his before I can even register what happened.

I cancel on Josh and sit and cry in my bed. How did things go so wrong? I barely know what just happened. He took my baby.

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