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Maya's POV

I wake up absolutely drained. Last night took too much out of me. I'm wrapped up in Lucas. He holds me tight and I almost feel like just a little tighter and all my pieces will come back together. I don't want to leave. The world is too much right now.

Lucas wakes up and pulls me closer. I turn to bury my face in his chest. I breathe in his scent and relax. I pull away to find him staring at me. He takes one of my hands and pulls the sleeve up my arm. He looks at the think white scars.

"Maya..." he whispers sadly then he kisses each one. He does the same with my other arm then he pulls me close.

"I'm sorry." I say as a tear slips down my face.

Lucas is quick to wipe it away. "No, I'm sorry. I should've known. I should've been there for you."

"It's okay. I'm okay now." Lucas is about to say something but Rion starts crying. He jumps up and brings him back. He lays Rion down in between us. I snuggle my face in Rion's little cheeks. He grabs my face and laughs.

"Hi bubu." I giggle.

We stay in bed for the day. It's full of snuggling and giggling and sleeping. It's what I need. I get to relax. I don't have anything to worry about.

Lucas is receiving non stop texts all day. He keeps checking his phone and then ignoring the text. It's got to be Cass.

"You're not going to answer her?" I ask after the thousandth time she texts.


"You can go if you have to." I say.

He looks down at me. "I don't want to."

"Lucas, I don't want to be the cause of you guys breaking up."

"You won't."


"Maya, I want to stay here with you." He says as he turns his phone completely off. I can't help but feel a little pride that he wants to stay.

Around 7 pm there's a knock at the door. I lay against Lucas holding Rion as we watch a movie. Riley and Farkle walk in.

"Riley!" I say smiling.

"Oh, you guys look comfy. Want us to leave?" She asks giving me a hug.

"No. come join." I tell her, patting the bed next to me.

"Maya, we're gonna need a bigger bed." Lucas chuckles.

"Fine. You get out of bed and Riley can sit here."

"Right. Getting kicked out because of the best friend." Lucas groans as he gets up.

"Hey, if it makes you feel better I'm always replaced by Maya." Farkle adds.

"Oh stop moaning about it." Riley says.

Farkle and Lucas decide to head out to get something to eat. Riley and I stay behind with Rion and watch Netflix.

"Soooo?" Riley asks.

"So what?"

"Has anything happened?"

"No, we've just been here all day."

"Nothings happened? He hasn't done anything?"

"Riley, I think he's a little nervous right now. He just found out what actually happened. I'd be a little scared too."

"Ya. I guess you're right. Has he broken up with Cass?"

"I don't think so. She keeps texting him though."

"Aren't you the least bit interested?"

"Of course I am but it's his life."

"Maya, it won't matter what happens to him because you're going to have to experience some form of it. You guys have a kid together. You're bound together for life one way or another."

"I never thought about it like that."

"Why don't you just tell him?"

"Riley, I already told you."

"Maya, why do you have to lose?"

"My pride." I grumble. Riley rolls her eyes.

"I think you should tell Lucas."

"Tell me what?" I freeze when I hear his voice. I turn around and bite my lip. "Uh oh. Lip bite. This must be important." He says.

Riley takes Rion and leaves the room with a confident smirk on her face. It's just him and me. Lucas and I. Huckleberry and Short stack.

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