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Maya's POV

The next few weeks are spent with Lucas. Whether we're playing with Orion or tell everyone what happened a year ago he's there.
I like him being here. I want Ri to have both his parents while he grows up. I just pray nothing happens between us.

Lucas and I have really been getting closer. I'm either at his house or he's at mine. It's nice to have another pair of hands around and Rion seems to love all the attention.

One nighy the gang and I and Rion are all hanging at Topanga's. Lucas holds Ri and I'm getting a smoothie when someone comes up behind me. There hand rests on my hip and I freeze.

"Maya Hart. You grew up gorgeous." I immediately turn around and there's Josh. Tall and handsome with his leather jacket and worn jeans.

"Josh!" I exclaim giving him a hug.

"You disappeared. I've missed you." He says when I pull away.

"I know. I'm sure you heard why already."

"Ya. Actually that's why I'm here. I wanted to see him."

"Oh, ya of course. Come with me." I say pulling Josh towards our table.

"Hey Uncle Josh." Riley says.

"Riley. Hey guys." He says.

"Here's Orion." I say as I lift Ri from Lucas. Lucas looks angry as I take Rion from him and hand him to Josh.

Josh smiles and sits and plays with him. I laugh when Orion giggles up at Josh. Lucas gets up and pulls me away.

"What's the deal?" I ask impatiently.

"I don't want him touching our baby."

"You're being ridiculous, Huckleberry. Rion is fine."

"No, Maya."

"Stop. Ri is fine, Lucas." I say turning away.

Lucas grabs my wrist and turns me around to face him. "I'm his father. Joshua Matthews does not touch my kid." His voice is dangerous and low and I'm almost intimidated but I'm stubborn and simply turn away.

Lucas doesn't say a word for the rest of the night. As we walk to my house I'm given the silent treatment. Two can play at this game. When we get to my door I hurry and open it and slam the door in his face then I run upstairs and start getting Rion ready for his bath.

I walk back into my room where Rion lays in his play pen when I scream. Lucas sits on my bed calmly flipping through a book.

"You nearly killed me, Ranger Rick." I say holding my chest and trying to even out my breathing. He doesn't say anything. I can't read his face so I'm left to wonder. "Why are you here?"

"Because we have a routine and I want to see Rion."

"Well say hi and get a move on. I don't need your overprotective ass over more than it is needed."

"You're mad."

"I'm not mad. I just don't understand what your problem was earlier. What do you against Josh?"


"Well obviously there's something that is bothering you."

"Maya, just drop it." Lucas says. He runs his hand through his hair and heaves a sigh. He wants to say something. I know he does and I just have to push the right button but for right now it'll have to wait.

I pick Rion up and head into the bathroom. He smile as he splashes in his little tub. He loves the bubbles and the warm water. Lucas wanders in and watches silently. I can feel his eyes on my back but I continue to watch Ri.

"You ready for bed, bubu?" I ask as I wrap him up in a towel and head back into the room. Lucas follows and watches as I put Rion in his footies.

"Here's his bottle. I'm gonna get ready for bed." I say and walk out. I come back to find Lucas laying down with Rion who is just finishing his bottle. I kneel on the floor next to the bed and lay my head down so I can look at my baby.

"He's getting bigger." I say.

"I guess. I mean I would t know because I've only known him a few weeks because you didn't tell me about him."

Oh. That one hurt. I sigh and pick Rion up. Lucas gives him a small kiss and then he's gone. He doesn't say bye to me, he simply walks out the door.

I put Rion in his crib and lay down in bed. It's different now that Lucas isn't here. He usually stays a little while longer and we talk or watch a movie. He'll sometimes stay the night but he's gone.

It takes me forever to sleep that night. I can't help but wonder what was going on with him today.

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