The Truth

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Maya's POV

I heave a sigh and sit down on the bed. Lucas walks over and sits across from me. I don't know how to start. My mind is blank so I just start talking.

"Before I left and before we... you know, I was a mess. Not only was I cutting I was in some pretty bad stuff. After our little fling or whatever, and I found out I was pregnant I couldn't think of anything worse. Not only was I pregnant it was my best friends boyfriends baby. I walked along the edge of the rooftop and was contemplating jumping. I then realized this isn't just my body anymore. I'm carrying a human. I left. I was happy. Then I came back and I was with you. Everything felt right. Then I realized that I still had unresolved feelings. Lucas, I love you and frankly I don't care at this point if you return the feelings or not. I just need you to hear this from me because I don't know if I can keep these feelings in forever. Not again." I look up at him. I can't read his face which means this isn't going to go the way I had planned.

"Maya, I... I mean... Cass-" he stutters.

"I know. I get it." I say quickly and hurry and walk out the room.

I'm not exactly angry or even sad, I kind of feel light. Almost like a huge weight had been lifted. It's weird. I finally feel free.

I assume Lucas leaves right after our talk because I don't see him the rest of the night. I also don't see Zay which means he left with Lucas. Right before Riley and Farkle leave Riley pulls me aside.

"So? Did you tell him?"

"Yes, Riley."

"And?" She asks excitedly.

"Nothing. I told him and now I feel better."

"He didn't say anything? He didn't tell you he loved you back?"

"No, he stuttered about Cass then I told him it was okay and left him and I assume he left right after that."

"What? Cass?!" Riley exclaims.

"What happened?" Farkle asks.

"Lucas, turned Maya down for Cass!" Riley says.

"Riley, calm down. I'm okay." I attempt to calm her down.

"No, this is not how this is supposed to happen. Maya, he loves you." Riley exclaims.


"She's right, Maya. I know he loves you. Why would he do this?" Farkle says.

"Just leave it. It's okay." I try to say.

"No. it's not okay and we're talking to him. Come on, Farkle. Bye, Maya." Riley says and she's gone before I can say a word.

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