The Maid

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The alarm buzzed loudly in Dean's ear, causing him to sit up immediately. He slapped the snooze button and then looked at the time, rubbing his eyes slowly. His hand stopped mid-rub as he saw that it was 6:33 in the morning. Dean blinked a few times and checked the clock again, hoping that he was wrong and that he simply misread the neon green numbers, but they were still the same. Dean quickly jumped out of bed and ran down the hall of their small two bedroom apartment. He ran into the living room and smacked his little brother upside the head.

"Sam, wake up!" Dean said rather loudly. Sam opened his eyes slowly, rubbing them and then stretching his back.

"Five more minutes," Sam groaned as he rolled over onto his stomach.

"If I give you five more minutes, we're going to miss the city bus and then be late. Get your ass up!" Dean said and then quickly walked back to his room. He went to his closet and slid on a pair of worn out jeans and a black shirt. He slid on his combat boots and laced them up quickly. He continuously glanced at the clock, feeling panic bury itself deep inside his chest as the time slipped away vastly.

Dean walked back out into the living room where Sam was getting dressed. He grabbed his wallet and two apples. He tossed one to Sam who caught it but almost dropped it.

"Thanks," Sam said as he took a bite out of it quickly, making a satisfying crunch noise.

"Yeah, yeah. Hurry up. We have three minutes Sam." Dean said firmly but not as grouchy as earlier. It was his fault that they woke up so late anyways. "Do you have your book bag?"

"Uh, yeah." Sam said, checking his side. "Let's go."

Dean nodded his head and then the two boys quickly walked out of their apartment. Dean almost closed the door, but at the last second he remembered the house key on the kitchen table. He quickly ran inside and grabbed the golden key tightly and then ran back out. He closed the locked door behind them and then ran up the stairs and then out the door to catch up with his brother Sam.

As Dean left the house, the cold December air bit at his face, instantly turning his cheeks a rosy pink. Dean ran down the ice covered sidewalk and almost fell, but he was able to regain his balance in time. He looked to his left and saw the city bus pulling up around the corner. He walked up to the end of the sidewalk, standing next to Sam, panting. He rested his hand on his knees as he caught his breath.

"God that was close." Dean breathed as the bus pulled up in front of him. He sent out a silent 'thank you' prayer that the bus stop was right outside of their townhouse-styled apartments.

Dean ushered Sam up quickly and then pulled his wallet out of his pocket. Dean grabbed a dollar in quarters and dropped it into the change box that was by the worn handle of the bus. The older man nodded his head, giving a silent thanks, and then Dean and Sam walked down the aisle and sat down in a seat. Sam rested his head back and looked out the window. Dean did the same, watching the houses go by slowly at first, but they soon were moving by like a flip-motion book; each building becoming different every second.

"So what time do you get off today?" Sam asked.

"I think I get off at five." Dean replied. "Just in time for dinner. Will you have a ride home from school?"

"I'm sure I can find one." Sam sighed.

Dean frowned. "I think Charlie gets off before me. I can ask her if she can pick you up and bring you to the Hotel."

Sam nodded. "Okay. I like Charlie. She gives me gummy worms."

Dean rolled his eyes and smiled. "Yeah, I know. Although it's not like you need the sugar."

Sam grinned. "Whatever. You couldn't care less. In fact, I bet you want me to have sugar so that it could possibly stunt my growth. Then I won't become taller than you."

Dean chuckled a little. "Sure, Sam. Sure."


Dean waved goodbye to Sam as he walked up the steps to his school in New York City, and then he made his way to The New York Hotel. Dean chuckled a little as he walked. They've lived here in NYC for years. When their mom died in the car accident, Dean's father moved them here three weeks later. That was almost 16 years ago. Dean sighed as he continued to walk down the sidewalk. Not only did Dean lose a mother 16 years ago.

He lost a father too.

Dean tried to remember the days when John wasn't drunk. The days when John was a happy man who had a wife and a steady job, who loved his kids and gave them all of his attention in the world. A man who didn't constantly come home drunk and then disappear for days at a time. Dean sighed and cleared that train of thought. He was almost to the hotel and if he walked in crying, he would never forgive himself for it.

Dean cleared his brain just as he got to the tall building. He swiftly entered through the rotating doors and then walked down the large marble steps and made his way to the back room. He walked down the three flights of stairs that led to the bottom of the hotel and then walked down the long corridor and to the room on his left. He looked at the navy blue clock on the wall that read 7:45 a.m. Dean picked his pace up, grabbed his sheet of paper, and officially clocked in for the day.

"Winchester," a voice boomed. Dean turned around to look at a 6"4 man with broad shoulders wearing a black pinstriped suit, the light shining on his bald head. He scratched at his beard and then pushed his spectacles up the bridge of his nose, his chocolate eyes looking Dean over.

"Hello, Marcus." Dean said quietly.

"You're late." Marcus said as he squinted. His chocolate skin shined under the lights, a thin layer of sweat showing. Dean didn't blame him. It was dark down here and very stuffed. With over fifty people down here together at once in the mornings, it got hot.

"Only by two minutes," Dean said mustering a shy smile.

Marcus' gaze did not break. "This is the second time in the past week."

"I know. The city bus was slow today. I can't control that."

"Then get a god damn car." Marcus growled. "That isn't my problem. You have only one more strike." as Marcus said this, he got close to Dean's face. "And then," he said deeply, "you're out."

He said the last part with a deep growl.

"Understood." Dean nodded his head.

"Go get dressed and then head up to room 22B. A pregnant lady went into labor and used up the towels. Besides, today is-" Marcus held out a clipboard and ran his finger down it swiftly. "ah, Tuesday. You have laundry duty." he grinned a crooked smile.

Dean sighed but nodded his head. "Yes sir. Understood."

Marcus smiled sarcastically and then turned around and walked the other way. Dean huffed out a sigh of relief and then turned around and headed towards the maids quarters, taking a bite of his apple.

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