The Dinner

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Dean and Castiel walked in to the Olive Garden, Dean holding the door for Castiel. Castiel nodded curtly and then walked in, Dean following. There were Christmas lights all over, all of them the same settle gold color. It still looked like any ordinary restaurant, but something seemed off to Dean. As Dean followed Castiel while he walked through the spacious pathway, Dean realized what was missing. There weren't nearly as many tables in there that should be.

"Where have all the tables gone?" Dean whispered to Castiel.

"Gabriel had them cleared out for the dinner. They're going to visit and mingle in here until everyone has arrived and then we will have dinner."

Dean nodded as they made they're way to the back. Gabriel was ordering some waiter around, pointing here, directing there. Castiel tapped him on the shoulder and Gabriel turned around, giving Cass a big smile.

"Cassie! You made it!"

Castiel rolled his eyes slightly. "Yes, we did. And don't call me Cassie in public. Although I would prefer that you didn't call me that at all." he muttered the last part.

"Ah, right." Gabriel sighed. "I forgot that you don't like nicknames."

Dean frowned. Why didn't he like nicknames?

Castiel smiled a polite smile. "Yes, well, anyways what do you want us to do?"

Dean's gaze shot at Castiel. /Us/? Dean tried to picture seeing Castiel do something, but he couldn't. Castiel didn't seem like that kind of person.

"Ah, just go greet everyone as they enter." Gabriel said as he waved his hand, obviously distracted by his current task at hand.

Castiel nodded and then he walked back out into the spacious room. As they got to their positions, people started to come in. First it would just be one or two, but as time drug out, it became groups of four to five. Dean sighed a little, shaking each one by the hand as they entered. Dean held his hand out to this one woman who had her blonde hair up in a beehive hairdo. She was an older woman, wearing a long red dress with a black shall over it. Dean couldn't tell if the rubies around her neck were fake or not. But you could definitely tell she was rich.

He shook her hand as her wrist jingled from all of the metal bracelets she was wearing. "Welcome." Dean smiled tightly.

The older woman looked him up and down, her face turning a light shade of pink. "Why hello there," she grinned and then winked at him. As she walked away, Dean felt a quick tap on his butt. Dean kind of jumped and then looked back at the woman who waved shyly and then was lost in the crowd. Dean's face turned bright red as he turned back around and shook the next guests hand. He tried to ignore Castiel, who was laughing immensely.


Dean and Castiel both sat down at the table, covering their laps with napkins. The tables had to be at least 20 feet long when put together, and there had to be at least 70 to 80 people here.

"Welcome," Gabriel said as he stood up, smiling a big white smile. "I'm glad you all could make it. I want to congratulate all of you on your success in this industry. Personally, this industry means a lot to me because I myself have lived with someone who was adopted. So when I heard that this company needed funding, I knew I had to help right away. Thousands of children need homes everyday, and I still remember the day that we got my brother, Castiel." Gabriel said as he held his hand out towards Castiel. Dean's eyes widened a little as he looked at Castiel.

/He's adopted/?

"When my parents adopted Castiel, he was only 12 years old. He had been through many foster homes throughout his life, but my parents were determined to make our home his final one. And, well, one year later, the adoption was final. And 16 years later- and to this day- he has been my business partner and my best friend. Castiel," Gabriel said as he pointed to Castiel. "I believe you wanted to say something?"

Dean watched, still in a daze, as Castiel stood up slowly, clearing his throat. "Yes. I wanted to say that, at 38 years old, I have amounted to more than anyone ever thought I would. And I don't think that would have been possible without the adoption agency. At the beginning of my life, I was thrown through so many homes that I ended up losing count. I worked hundreds of jobs before I was 11 just to be able to feed myself. But then, one fateful day, I was interviewed by a man named Chuck Shurely, who then took me into his home. So, I wanted to thank you all for giving children, like myself, a second chance to live in this world. To make something of themselves. Thank you." Castiel said softly and then sat down. Dean was about to ask him why he never told Dean that he was adopted, but then Dean realized that Castiel and him weren't on that much of a personal level yet and never would be. So, Dean clapped along with everyone else, and then took a bite of the food that was in front of him.


As Dean finished his meal, Gabriel stood up and cleared his throat over all of the quiet chatter that was going on at the table. Dean and Castiel were the only ones who seemed to be silent. But it wasn't an awkward silence like Dean thought it would have been. It was more of a comfortable silence, a companionable silence. Dean looked up at Gabriel who had a smile on his face. "Well, we have all eaten, especially you George." Gabriel smiled at a man who was sitting to his right. He was a short man with a plump figure and a graying beard.

"Ah, it's true! It's true!" he laughed among the other guests who were laughing as well.

"So, I think now that it's time for some dancing!" Gabriel smiled and then clapped twice. Some music turned on and everybody stood up, already moving their bodies and laughing happily as they made it back to the spacious area. Castiel smiled a little and looked over at Dean.

"Want to dance?" he asked, holding his hand out. Dean looked at him with wide eyes.

"I don't dance." Dean frowned.

Castiel nodded. "Sure you don't." he smiled and then grabbed Dean's hand anyways. "Come on. It'll be fun."

Dean sighed and followed him out onto the, eh more or less, dance floor.

Castiel grinned at Dean as Dean stood there awkwardly. "Come on. This song has an upbeat tone. Anyone can dance to this song."

Dean bit his lip, watching as Castiel swayed his hips back and forth to the rhythm. He wanted to, but he was way too shy.

"You look like you're doing alright on your own." Dean suggested, taking a step back. Castiel grinned and grabbed his hand. As if though Castiel sent some quiet signal to the universe, a slow song started to play. Dean listened to the soft beat and realized it was the song 'She Will Be Loved', by Maroon 5.

Castiel set Dean's hand on his hip as he grabbed Dean's other hand with his right. He rested his left hand on Dean's shoulder. "Just follow my lead," Castiel said softly, their eyes locking. Dean blinked, focusing on Castiel's blue eyes. They were the deepest blue Dean had ever seen and he could get lost in them for forever.

/I don't mind spending every day,

out on your corner in the pouring rain.

Look for the girl with a broken smile.

Ask her if she wants to stay a while/.

"And she will be loved," Castiel hummed softly. Dean didn't even realize Castiel had been singing softly this entire time. But he practically melted into Castiel's arms as they swayed back and forth swiftly. Dean rested his cheek on Castiel's shoulder as their hips swayed to the smooth and soft rhythm of the song. He listened to Castiel's melodic voice as the man hummed and sang to the tune in Dean's ear, only loud enough for Dean to hear. Dean felt safe and secure in Castiel's arms, as if Castiel could protect him from anything. He wanted so badly to kiss Castiel's neck, to show some sign of affection. But Dean couldn't find the strength to do it. As Dean listened, Dean felt his heart ache.

This beautiful man was obviously interested in him, and Dean was definitely interested back, no doubt now. But this was too close for Dean. Way too close. The feelings that Castiel made Dean feel were feelings that Dean didn't know how to comprehend. But Dean knew that if he were to romantically invest himself with Castiel, it would turn out to be more than a fling. It would become something serious. And if Castiel left him after they became serious...

Well, Dean didn't know if he'd be able to handle that.

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