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Dean unbuckled Sammy quickly, opening his door and pushing him out into the grassy field. Sammy was safe now. Dean then unbuckled himself, his tiny fingers struggling to press down on the button. He always needed Daddy's help with this part. "Daddy!" he called out. "Mommy!"

Daddy was responsive as he opened his eyes in a daze. "Wh-what?" He turned over to Mommy and his voice became higher. "Mary? Mary!"

"Mommy!" Dean cried. Mommy's face had red liquid on it. She was sleeping. "Daddy!"

Before Daddy could answer him, there was a blaring of a horn. Dean turned his head and saw a light, bigger than the size of the moon coming closer and closer to them.

"Daddy! Mommy!" Dean cried again. Sammy was already outside. He was safe.

"Mary, unbuckle yourself." Daddy said frantically. Mommy opened her eyes weakly and then tried to move her arms. Mommy's face was calm. Dean knew that Mommy was trying to be brave for him.

"I can't feel anything, John."

Daddy made a noise. The big light was coming closer. Red lights were flashing all around them. "Mary, no. Come on. You have to try."

"Please. Watch out for ours boys. Go save them. I love you." Mommy turned to face Dean as Daddy got out of the car. "Dean go after your brother! Take care of him!" Mommy shouted over the loud noise. Dean could barely hear her.

"Mommy!" he cried again, warm tears pouring down his face.

"I love you baby." she said softly, tears pouring down her face. Dean felt Daddy's strong arms wrap around him and then him and Daddy were flying. Dean grabbed his chest tightly as they landed with a thud. Dean looked over at Sammy who was crying in the grass loudly. Sammy was only six months old. His tiny body was wrapped in a spider-man blanket. Dean crawled over to Sammy and grabbed him softly, cradling him in his tiny arms.

"Shh," he said softly. Just like Mommy did when Sammy wasn't feeling good. He looked up at where Daddy and him just were. A train was going by quickly, and the car was gone.

And so was Mommy.

Dean sat up, a thin layer of sweat on his face. His heart was beating rapidly and for a split second he didn't know where he was. But then he looked around the room and realized that he was in Castiel's hotel room. He calmed his breathing down a little and then looked over at Sam only to see he was gone.

"Sam?" Dean shouted a little. "Sam!"

"It's alright," a soothing voice said softly. Dean looked over at where the voice came from. Castiel was leaning against the door, wearing his casual gray sweatpants and a white shirt. "He went to school an hour ago."

Dean frowned. "An hour ago? Wait, then that means I'm late to work! Fuck!" Dean groaned as he quickly jumped out of bed. He went to the other side to grab his clothes but then remembered that his clothes were being washed.

"Dean," Castiel said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "You aren't late to work."

Dean frowned and looked at Castiel. "What do you mean? I haven't even clocked in yet."

"I called Marcus and told him I was having you help me with stuff today."

"And he was okay with that?" Dean asked in disbelief.

"When your the Hotel Owner's brother, you can be quite convincing." Castiel chuckled.

Dean blinked a few times. "Why did you tell Marcus that? Why did you cover for me?"

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