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Dean opened his eyes slowly, blinking the sleep away. He was about to stretch when he realized he couldn't move. He looked around him and that's when all the memories from the previous night before hit. His nightmare, him crying, Castiel coming in, him telling Castiel about his past. Dean looked up at Castiel and saw that he was fast asleep. He looked a whole lot younger, his eyes closed peacefully and his mouth drooping open a little. Dean scooted up slowly-hoping he wouldn't wake Castiel up-so that they were nose to nose. Castiel's arms fell down and moved to his waist, pulling Dean closer to him. Dean felt his heart skip a beat.

Dean took this moment to study Castiel's face. With a closer look, Dean realized that besides the scar on Castiel's eyebrow, there was also a scar on the bridge of his nose, although it was extremely faint. You would have to be close to see. That's when Dean realized just how close he was to Castiel. They seemed to always end up in this position one way or another. Dean felt his heart warm as he cautiously wrapped his arms around Castiel's body, gripping his shoulders firmly and resting his chin on Castiel's head. This felt right. The fabric of Castiel's shirt, the feeling of his muscles through the thin fabric, the warmth he was radiating. Dean suddenly realized that he could feel hot breaths on his neck that sent shivers down his spine. He bit his lip, not moving away. He didn't want to ruin this moment.

Dean felt Castiel nuzzle his nose along Dean's neck tenderly and then he felt a pair of soft lips at his pulse point. His breath hitched slightly as the lips moved down slowly to his Adam's apple, and then to the dip of his collarbone. Dean felt his mouth go slack as Castiel's grip around his waist tightened. He bit his lip and felt Castiel's thumb rub in circles on Dean's hip where his shirt had been pulled up slightly, exposing his skin. Dean sighed a breathy sigh as he felt Castiel move back slowly and meet Dean's eyes.

"Good morning," he murmured and then slipped out of bed and walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Dean watched, his eyes wide as he just replayed what happened.

Castiel was awake. He did that consciously. And Dean loved every second of it. Dean sighed and shook his head, standing up out of bed. He quickly made his bed and then walked out of the room, rubbing his face softly. He needed to get out of this hotel room today before he died from his strong attraction towards Castiel. Dean walked past Gabriel's door when he felt an arm grab him and pull him back. He almost fell back but then the arm pulled him forward.

"Geeze, Sleeping Beauty. Wake up." Gabriel hissed. Dean blinked and then frowned, looking Gabriel up and down. He had a sheet gripped tightly around his waist and his brown hair was messed up, as if fingers had gripped it and pulled at it.

"Why are yo-"

"Don't ask questions. Just keep Castiel in his room while I get rid of my, er, guest." Gabriel snapped.

Dean nodded and then quickly walked back into Castiel's room, closing the door behind him. As he leaned against the door, Castiel walked out in a towel with a toothbrush in his mouth. Dean watched him, trying to not look below Castiel's neck.

"Good morning." Dean said curtly.

Castiel nodded faintly and then walked over to his closet. Dean heard some thumping and rustling and then Castiel walked back out wearing black slacks. "Could you buckle my belt while I brush my teeth?" he asked through a mouthful of foam. Dean blushed but nodded and did as he was told. He tried extremely hard to not focus on the V-line that was staring back at him, taunting him and teasing him.

"There you go," Dean sighed softly and then backed away and to the door. When Castiel walked back into the bathroom, Dean quickly cracked the door open and took a peek. A blonde haired girl, who's hair was messier than Gabriel's, was wrapped in a sheet, a pair of heels in her hand. Dean saw her mouth the words 'call me' to Gabriel, who was shooing her with his hand. She then disappeared out of sight.

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