Christmas (Part 2)

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Dean pulled the Impala into Bobby's driveway and put it in park. Bobby lived in a simple house compared to the one he owned back in Sioux Falls. Bobby still owned that house by the junkyard, but he rented it out so that he had some type of income since he was retired. Well that and he was paralyzed from the waist down. Speaking of-

"I should let you know now that Bobby is in a wheelchair." Dean said wearily.

Castiel frowned and raised an eyebrow. "Okay?"

"And if you try to do anything for him, he might stab your hand off."

Castiel laughed, but his laugh faltered when he saw that Dean wasn't laughing at all. In fact, Dean was being deadly serious. "Wait, seriously?"

Dean smiled and then got out of the car, Sam's present still in hand. Dean went to walk up the cement steps of the house when he stepped on a patch of ice, almost falling. Except for Castiel caught him quickly. Castiel helped Dean stand back up. "Careful." he said.

Dean sort of blushed, wiping his jacket off. "Thanks."

"Oh, shoot." Dean heard someone say. "That crummy de-icer is not doing much good, now is it. Are you alright Dean?" Jody asked.

Dean nodded. "Yes, I'm fine." He quickly walked up the steps to the house.

Jody grinned, hugging him and kissing his cheek.

"Hey, Jody." Dean smiled, hugging her back. "How's the new job as NYPD head officer?"

She smiled. "It's great. Way better than my job as Sheriff back in Sioux Falls." she chuckled. Jody looked behind Dean and at Castiel. "Oh, who's this?" she asked.

"Ah, this is Cass." Dean said, holding his hand towards Castiel. "He's my, er..." Dean looked at him.

"I'm his friend." Castiel said, smiling at Jody.

Jody grinned widely, shaking his hand. "Aw, well you two come on in! It's freezing out there and it's starting to snow more." she said, waving her hand. Dean and Castiel walked inside, following her. Dean closed the door and grabbed Castiel's jacket from him, putting it on the coat hanger. They walked into the living room, the smell of apple pie instantly filling Dean's nose.

"Pie!" Dean grinned.

"Dean!" Sam grinned, running over to him and hugging him.

"Hey, Sammy. I brought your gift." Dean said, handing the present to him. Sam grinned.

"Sweet! Hey, Jody, can I open it?"

Jody shook her head. "Not until after lunch." she said, giving him a look that was gentle but strict. She looked up at Dean. "Bobby's already in the dining room. You two can go and take a seat. I'm pulling the pie out of the oven and then we can eat lunch." she said smiling.

Dean nodded and then looked at Castiel. "You hungry?"

Castiel looked at him, his eyes darkening slightly. "Starving." he said, a smirk playing on his lips.


Bobby took a bite of the turkey he grabbed. "This turkey is delicious!" he smiled. He looked at Dean. "I swear, I have no idea where I would be without this woman." he said, pointing his fork at Jody. Jody's cheeks reddened.

"Oh, stop it." she blushed. "Really, it's nothing."

"Fourteen years of marriage and you still can't take a compliment!" he chuckled, taking another bite of his turkey. She smiled and continued to eat. Bobby turned over to Castiel. "So, what do you do for a living then?"

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