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"Daddy, I want to go swimming in our pool. May I?" Grace asked, her big, brown, eyes staring up at Dean.

Dean bit his lip and then looked out the glass window and to their patio. It was sunny enough and it was the middle of July so...

"Mm, I suppose so." Dean sighed. "But you need to have Johnny go with you." Dean said, pointing to his son that was sitting on the couch. Johnny groaned.

"Why do I have to go with her?" Johnny said as he shot a look at his father, his blue eyes filled with frustration.

"Because you're her big brother." Dean said as he finished making his cup of coffee. "And you're 11, I'm 35. I'm the boss."

Johnny got up and walked over to his eight-year-old sister. "Do we have to go swimming right now, Grace?"

Grace nodded her head, her black curls bouncing up and down. "Yes we do!" she grinned a big smile, her two front teeth missing.

Johnny sighed. "Fine. Go get in your bathing suit. I'll be there in a bit."

Both kids ran off to their rooms as Dean took a sip of his coffee. As he swallowed, he saw their 3-year-old German Shepard run down the hallway and up to Dean. Dean's brows furrowed as he saw the neon-pink nail polish on his dog's nails.

"Er, looking good Sparky." Dean smirked a little. Sparky barked loudly, panting. The kids came back from their rooms moments later in floaties and bathing suits and quickly ran out to the pool. Sparky quickly got up and ran after them.

He chuckled a little and shook his head as he set the mug down. Suddenly, he felt arms wrap around his waist and a pair of lips on his neck. "Mmm. Good morning to you too." Dean said, kissing his Husband's temple.

"Yes, well, I would still be asleep if it weren't for Mary." Castiel muttered, talking about their year-old daughter. "I had to have Vierna go to the store and buy some diapers. But Mary is sleeping in her crib for now."

Dean smiled. "You were the one who wanted three children."

"Yes well, what can I say?" Castiel murmured. "Adoption is my weak spot."

Dean smiled and then set his coffee down. "So Mary's asleep?"

Castiel sighed as he poured himself a cup. "Yes, finally. She kept me up all night and I have a Skype call that I need to attend to in two hours."

"Well, Johnny and Grace are getting ready to go into the pool. Would you like me to watch them or do you want to be on pool duty while I'm on baby duty?"

Castiel blinked and then sort of smirked. "I've been on baby duty all night. It's your turn, Mr. Novak."

Dean grinned. "Hmm. Alright, Mr. Novak. I'll get to it." he said, kissing Castiel swiftly on the lips. "I'll take her to my study while I go Skype Sam and see how he's doing in California with Jess."

Castiel smiled. "Oh, didn't they just get married?"

"Yeah. Last spring. Took them long enough."

Castiel smiled. "It was a lovely wedding. And Grace made the cutest flower girl."

Dean chuckled. "Yes, she did. And Johnny was the most handsome ring bear."

Castiel smiled as he looked Dean up and down. "You looked great as the best man. Have I ever told you, you look good in a tux?"

Dean blushed slightly. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go watch the kids, horny bunny."

Castiel winked. "You know it."

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