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Castiel watched Dean with a warm look in his eyes, his fingers running along Dean's chin, their lips on each others every so often. They lay next to each other, Castiel watching him intently. It was serene and quiet and peaceful. No one else was there except for themselves.

"Dean," Castiel whispered softly, his thumb skimming across Dean's lower lip.

"Yes?" Dean whispered back, watching Castiel's mouth.

Castiel leaned down and kissed Dean softly. "I love you."

Dean woke with a start, his heart beating quickly. He looked around the room but he was confused. It was pitch black in the room. What woke him up? Dean felt around the bed, his fingers feeling semi-warm sheets. Where was Castiel?

"Cass..." Dean murmured, his eyes trying to adjust so that he could see the room better. "Cass?" he whispered again. Dean shook his head as he got up slowly, stretching his back. Dean got up and walked over to the bathroom, but it was dark in there just like the rest of the room, so Dean knew Cass wasn't in there. Dean made his way to the living room, trying hard to be quiet. As he got closer to the kitchen, he heard yelling that he hadn't heard before. By the sounds of it, Dean was surprised he hadn't heard it earlier.

He leaned against the wall, recognizing the voices right away. He peeked around the corner just barely.

Castiel was leaning against the kitchen sink, his knuckles white. Gabriel was standing across from him, his hands on his hips.

"You're too close, Castiel." Gabriel said angrily. "Do you not get that?"

Castiel's posture tensed. "You don't think I know that?" he said through clenched teeth.

"Then do something about it."

Castiel's gaze shot to Gabriel. He looked weary and tired. "Gabriel, I can't."

Gabriel glared at him. "Can't or won't?"

Castiel's body was radiating anger. "Won't,"  he hissed.

Gabriel ran his hand down his face slowly. "Little brother, you know this isn't right. You know this is against the rules."

Castiel stepped towards him. "Gabriel, I know it's against the rules, but I don't give a fuck anymore."

Gabriel sighed angrily. "Castiel, he is just some maid that's worked here for a while. Why, why, why, why, why must you get involved with my staff?"

Castiel turned back to the counter and grabbed a glass full of liquid. He took a sip and then stared at Gabriel. "Gay bars just weren't good enough." he suggested, obviously trying to make the mood lighter.

Dean heard Gabriel snicker against his will. "Dammit, Cassie!" he said, slapping his younger brother's shoulder. "You know I like gay jokes and you use that to your advantage!"

Dean felt himself fighting a smile.

Castiel finished the liquid and then set the glass down. "Gabriel, he makes me happy." he sighed. Dean felt his heart warm and skip a beat.

Gabriel watched his little brother and then sighed, pursing his lips. "Cass, I just... I just don't want to see you get hurt." he said finally. "I mean, do you really know Dean like you think you do?"

Dean bit his lip. "Yes, I do." Castiel said, leaning against the counter. "I mean, yes I could get to know him better. I want to get to know him better. But from what I know, our childhoods seem very much alike."

Dean's face fell and he knew that he had already crossed a line by eavesdropping this far and that he should go. But unlike Castiel, Dean didn't know him that well...

"What is that supposed to mean? Your childhood with us was great." Gabriel said defensively.

"I mean before you." he said. "Dead mother... Deadbeat father... /Abusive/ father, that's for sure." Castiel sighed. "Him and I are... very similar." Castiel said, watching Gabriel cautiously. Dean felt himself frown, but he mostly felt anger surge through his body as he pictured a little, 6-year-old boy with dark hair and big blue eyes being beaten and slapped around. His fists clenched together tightly.

"Are you sure it's that or is he just really good at sex?" Gabriel asked. Dean felt his anger quickly fade and be replaced with embarrassment.

Castiel sort of chuckled. "The sex is just a bonus."

Dean felt a smile tug at his lips. Dean decided that he had eavesdropped enough and that he needed to go to bed. Today was Christmas and if it was as early as he thought it was, he was going to have to be up soon.

Dean turned and was about ready to leave when he heard Gabriel ask a question that made his body freeze.

"Is it serious?"

Dean instantly looked back, his heart racing quickly. This was the moment of truth. The moment that would reveal if Castiel felt the same. He peeked around the corner and watched Castiel.

"As death." Castiel said. And Dean could have sworn that Castiel had looked at him when he said those two words.

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