Awkward Dinner

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Dean and Castiel returned to the hotel late. But neither of them were concerned about it because they were finally happy. As they walked through the doors of The New York Hotel, Castiel grabbed Dean's hand tightly, their fingers intertwined. Dean looked at Castiel who seemed to be much more vibrant and happy. He smiled a dazzling white smile that Dean had never seen before.

And it was all because of him.

"Your family... They're nice." Castiel smiled as he looked at Dean, his blue eyes filled with joy and love.

Dean chuckled and looked down as they walked, his cheeks reddening. "Yeah, they're something alright."

It was Castiel's turn to chuckle as he pressed the button to go up. "They're much better than my family will be. They're probably going to be furious that we took so long."

Dean smirked at Castiel. "Well, we had to christian Baby sometime. Why not on Christmas Day?"

Castiel chuckled and ran his hand through his hair. Yes, Dean loved this side of Castiel. The 'I-just-got-laid-and-I'm-in-love' Castiel. "Dean Winchester, what am I going to do with you?"

Dean laughed deeply. "It hasn't even been a full hour. I'm not popping ideas like that into your head for a while."

Castiel smiled an 'All-American-Boy' smile. "You'd be surprised how good of a stamina I have."

They walked down the hallway, Dean's hand gripping Castiel's softly. "Oh, I think I've learned by now."

Castiel pulled the keys out of his pocket and Dean took in his boyfriend's- man, he could get used to calling Castiel that -appearance. A white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, collar pulled out, and the top two buttons undone, and black slacks. This man was the definition of sexy. Castiel opened the door and then let Dean walk in first. Dean took his jacket off and then reached for Castiel's jacket and set them gently on the coat hanger. He straightened his shirt out and then his hand found Castiel's as they walked into the living room.

A man and a woman were sitting on the couch and Gabriel was sitting across from them. They were talking frantically about something, but Dean didn't have the slightest idea as to what.

The man looked up at Castiel with a pair of blue eyes that looked almost like ice. "Ah, Castiel!" he said smiling as he stood up. He walked over and patted his son's shoulder. "Glad to see you."

The man had dark brown locks and a scruffy beard but yet he looked like the most professional business man that Dean had ever seen. He was wearing a black suit with a red tie. The woman got up and walked over to Castiel, hugging him tightly. "Hello darling," she said in a thick British accent. She kissed both of his cheeks lightly and then pulled away, her green/gray eyes looking him over with love and compassion. She was wearing a slimming black dress and red earrings, her hair cut right at her chin. It was in a nice bob that was messy and wavy, yet it looked tame and neat at the same time.

If Dean didn't know Castiel had been adopted, he would have thought they were his biological parents. "Hello mother. Father." Castiel said, nodding to his parents. He turned over to Dean. "Dean, these are my parents, Chuck Shurley and Bela Shurley." he said, holding his hand out to them. Dean sort of nodded.


"Mother, father, this is my boyfriend, Dean."

Dean stiffened. They were alright with Castiel dating men? Dean was about to say something when Chuck shook Dean's hand firmly, smiling warmly at him. "Hello. It's nice to meet you. Gabriel has told us a lot about you."

Dean kind of smiled awkwardly. As soon as Chuck let Dean's hand go, Bela swooped in and gave Dean a big kiss on either cheek. "Oh, you two make an adorable couple." she grinned. She turned back to Castiel and pinched his cheek. "I knew my little Cassie would find his prince charming one day."

Castiel blushed but said nothing, shooting Dean a warning look as to say nothing either, even though Dean was grinning from ear to ear. Once their eyes met, Castiel knew Dean would never let him live this moment down.

Bela kept pinching until Castiel gently grabbed her hand. "Alright, mother. Enough of that."

She chuckled. Chuck smiled and then clapped his hands. "Alright, it is almost 11:30 at night. I don't know many restaurants that are open at this hour, so how about we just eat here at the hotel. I can phone in my chefs to come here and fix us something up."

Castiel looked over at Dean. "Are you alright with that?"

Dean nodded. "Yeah, that's fine."

Chuck smiled. "Good."


"So what do you do for a living?" Chuck asked as he took a bite of his steak. Dean took a bite of the mouth-watering pork-chops that had been set in front of him only ten minutes ago. Dean looked at Castiel who nodded, letting Dean know to go ahead.

"I'm a maid."

Chuck frowned for a moment as he finished chewing. "Maid?"

Dean looked at him for a moment. "Er, yes. A maid."

"Huh." Chuck said softly and then took a sip of his wine. Dean's brows furrowed but he simply took another bite of his food.

Castiel sat there awkwardly and quietly, slowly forking his salad. Silence had fallen over the table. Gabriel simply took a sip of his champagne and then sighed.

"This is a lovely dinner," Bela said with hope laced in her voice. "It's quite delicious."

"Yes," Castiel said quickly. "It is quite-"

"Castiel, a word?" Chuck said. Castiel stopped and stared at him.

"Um, sure." Castiel said, wiping his lips with a napkin. He excused himself politely and then walked out to the other room along with Chuck.

Dean watched them leave and felt a mixture of emotions. Happiness because Chuck was gone but loneliness because so was Castiel. Dean slowly turned back and his eyes met with Bela's. She smiled sympathetically. "So how long have you been a maid?" she asked.

Dean swallowed nervously. "About five years now. Almost six."

Bela nodded. "Well I bet you've met a whole bunch of interesting people."

Dean chuckled. "Yes, indeed."

The table fell silent once again until Castiel walked in. When he sat down next to Dean, Dean could feel the anger radiating off of Castiel's body.

"Sorry," Castiel said as he set his napkin in his lap. Dean watched him cautiously, trying to figure out where the carefree Cass went to and how Dean could get him back. Because he was a little afraid of this Cass.

Dean nodded his head and took another bite of his food. Chuck returned moments later, his face tinted pink. "My apologies." Chuck murmured to Bela as he kissed her cheek softly. He sat down and covered his lap with his napkin as well, glancing towards Castiel and then looking away. Dean didn't know it was possible, but he felt even more awkward now than he did earlier. Gabriel looked around at the table and then sighed, setting his napkin on the table.

"Well, I'm gonna head back upstairs and clean up a little. Dean, would you help me?" Gabriel asked, giving Dean a look.

Dean frowned and looked at Castiel who nodded his head briefly. "Yes, I think that is a good idea."

Dean pursed his lips, feeling slightly hurt. Dean tried to read Castiel's body language, but nothing came up for him. It was like staring at a blank canvas. Dean sighed and then smiled at Bela and Chuck. "It was a lovely dinner, thank you."

Bela smiled warmly as she rested her hand on his forearm. "You're very welcome dear. Thank you for taking care of our little Castiel."

Dean mustered a smile and then quickly left, following Gabriel as he left the room.

The New York HotelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang