The Guest

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A/N: Gabriel's style is based from his appearance on Season 9. For people who'd like a visual :)

Dean vacuumed the feathers slowly, trying to ignore how he was feeling. The situation with the pillows happened about an hour ago and Castiel had to go get some groceries. So he left Dean to clean up the feathers and the rest of the room, which Dean was happy to do. It gave him time to think. Think about the fact that every second he was with Castiel, his feelings grew and how bad of a thing that truly was. This was a major rule about The New York Hotel. You don't have flings or any kind of relationships with the guests, whether it be romantic relationships or even friendships. They had to be strictly business relationships. And that was that. Well, Dean had already broken that rule. And that was just for the friendship part. Dean wasn't even thinking about the romantic part yet.

Dean emptied the vacuum bag into the large black garbage bag and then tied it in a knot. The floor was now spotless, not a feather in sight. Dean sighed and set it in Castiel's kitchen garbage can. He was actually quite thankful that today was not his garbage duty day. As Dean finished putting it into the garbage can, he heard the door swing open. Dean clapped his hands together and then walked around the corner, trying to figure out how he was going to bring up the previous interactions they had had with Castiel when his eyes met hazel ones.

"Oh, finally! A mai- wait, you aren't a maid." the man said, taking a step back and looking at him. He had brown hair that was gelled back and he was wearing a black jacket. Dean frowned and then looked down at his clothing, his face turning beat red. "I, er-"

"Tell me, where can I find the maids here? I know I hired about 80 of them yet I haven't seen a single one." he sighed as he set his bags down.

"I am-"

"Ah, it doesn't matter." the man said, waving his hand. "Here, since no other maid is here, take these to the guest room for me?" he asked, handing Dean a black suitcase and a brown one.

Dean nodded and then quickly took them over to the guest room, setting them down in front of the bed. He quickly walked back out, his maid instincts kicking in. "Would you like a drink?"

The man nodded, smiling, as he sat down in a chair. He put his feet up on the coffee table and crossed them over each other. "I would love one. Thank you."

"Of course, Mr...?"


Dean's eyes widened. "Novak? As in-"

"Gabriel Novak." the man grinned widely. "And you're the dude that's banging my baby brother at the moment, right?"

Dean's face turned red immediately. "Uh, no, we're not-"

"Gabriel?" Dean heard a familiar voice say. Dean looked behind the corner and felt relief flood through him as Castiel walked into the room, three grocery bags in either hand.

"Cassie!" Gabriel smiled as he quickly walked over to his much taller brother. He picked him up and squeezed him tightly while swinging him back and forth. "Oh baby brother look at you!"

Castiel frowned a little, obviously not liking the physical contact. "Yes, yes. Good to see you too."

Gabriel let go and Dean quickly slipped in, grabbing the groceries and taking them to the kitchen. Gabriel pointed at Dean. "So how long have you two been boning?"

Dean felt his face go red once again and he ducked as he started to put the groceries away. Dean heard Castiel sigh. "We aren't boning. He only stayed over night."

"Oh, so you're a 'one-night-stand' kind of guy now?" Gabriel asked, smirking.

Castiel sighed. "No, he's just a friend. He was having some issues so he stayed overnight."

Gabriel raised his eyebrows and then nodded. "Well he would make an excellent maid. He's been rather quiet and done everything a good maid should do. Hey, buddy, you have a job?" Gabriel asked.

"Gabriel, please." Castiel sighed, giving his older brother an annoyed look.

Gabriel chuckled and patted his older brother's shoulder. "Aw, just trying to lighten the mood up. Don't worry, Cassie."

Dean stood up and put the left over grocery bags under the sink. He opened the fridge, grabbed a bottle of water, and then walked over to Castiel. "The groceries are put away." Dean handed Gabriel the bottled water that he had grabbed from the fridge.

"Thank you." Castiel said gratefully. Dean nodded his head and then his phone rang. Dean grabbed it out of his pocket and saw that Sam was calling.

"May I take this?" Dean asked as he showed the phone to Castiel.

"Yes, you may. Gabriel and I will be just a moment."

Dean nodded and then walked out into the hall.

"Hello?" Dean asked quietly.

"Hey, Dean!" Sam chirped.

"Hey kid, what's up?"

"My friend Michael invited me over to stay the night tonight. We go to the same school and stuff and his mom is willing to give me a ride-"

"Sure, Sam. You can stay overnight."

He could hear Sam's grin over the phone. "Thanks Dean!"

Dean smiled. "You're welcome Sammy. I gotta go. I'm at work."

"Okay, bye."

Dean hung up and then quickly walked back into the room. "I apologize."

Castiel waved his hand. "No worries."

"So you are a maid here, huh?" Gabriel asked. Dean looked at Gabriel and then back at Castiel.


"I heard you out in the hallway." Gabriel said as he watched Dean with a raised eyebrow. Dean lowered his head a little.

"Yes, I am, Sir." Dean said quietly.

He heard Gabriel inhale deeply. "Well then you're going to be staying here until after Christmas."

Dean looked at him. "What? I mean, Sir with the /deepest/ respects, I have a younger brother that I need to look after and-"

"I'll double your paycheck while you're here." Gabriel interrupted.

Dean's eyes widened. "I..."

"Just say yes." Gabriel groaned. "I don't want to order another maid. I'm too lazy and Castiel has put in a good word for you."

Dean looked at Castiel and then back at Gabriel. "Um, okay."

Gabriel smiled. "Good." he said as he slapped Dean's shoulder with his hand lightly. "I'll go inform Mr. Baldy downstairs."

Dean blinked and stood there dumbfounded as Gabriel walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. He turned around and looked at Castiel. "What just happened?"

Castiel smiled faintly. "I believe you just got promoted."

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