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Dean leaned against the wall anxiously, watching Marcus' every move as he began to talk.

"So, I'm sure you all know why we're here. The rumors are true. Someone is going to get fired."

Dean felt his heart drop in his stomach. It can't be him. There's no way. He can't lose this job. What will he do for Sammy if he does? Dean quickly closed his eyes and sent a quick prayer to whoever was upstairs.

Please don't be me. Please don't be me.

"It has been brought to my attention that there is something that has been slipping under my nose for a while. While I hate to say it, this needs to be taken care of A-S-A-P." Marcus continued. He looked down at his clipboard and then back up at all 73 employees. There was an anxious vibe filling the room quickly, each person radiating their own fears and worries. Dean looked around at each person that he had become attached to in the past five years. At least, most of them. There were a few that he wouldn't mind seeing leave.

Dean continued to look around the room until his eyes locked with malicious brown ones. He felt his face pale as he studied Raphael. He was the only person leaning against the wall, relaxed and calm. Dean swallowed slowly, his heart almost disintegrating on the spot. Raphael told Marcus.

Marcus knew Dean's secret.

Dean was the one getting fired.

"It breaks my heart to say this," Marcus said quietly. He sounded very sincere. "This person was honestly like one of my own children, even if I didn't show it correctly at times."

Dean gave Marcus a weird look. This was the last thing he expected Marcus to say about him. He thought Marcus hated him immensely. Dean peeked over at Charlie, who was already looking back at him, her eyes filled with tears.

Even Charlie knew Dean's sealed fate.

Dean looked back and inhaled deeply. He was going to miss this job a lot. But it was a good five years. "So, with all that being said," Marcus continued. "I deeply regret to say this, but..." Marcus took a moment to recompose himself. Dean felt his shoulders sag as he grabbed his name tag. He started to walk forward when Marcus spoke up. "Raphael, you're fired."

Dean's eyes widened as they shot over to Raphael, who seemed just as shocked as him. "/What/?" he asked, almost shouting.

Marcus frowned. "It's been brought to my attention that you have been blackmailing almost every single employee. That's against the rules."

Raphael scoffed, his brown eyes going from shock to anger. He curled his fists and stormed towards Marcus. "If you think, for one fucking second, that I would ever-"

Raphael raised his hand and went to swing, but it was caught midair by the most unexpected person.

Charlie Bradbury.

"It's over, Raphael." Charlie said sternly. "It's time for you to go now."

Raphael's fiery gaze turned to her. Before anyone could do anything, there was a loud /smack/ and then Charlie was on the floor. Dean felt his anger take over his body and before he, or anyone else for that matter, could stop him, his fist connected with Raphael's jaw.

"You son of a bitch, she said go!" Dean yelled, towering over Raphael. Raphael grabbed his jaw, glaring at Dean.

"Oh it's fucking on, Winchester." he said, his nostrils flaring. Dean went to say something but was interrupted as Raphael punched Dean roughly in the eye. Dean stumbled back a little, stars filling his vision.

"Raphael leave before we call the police!" Marcus demanded at once. Dean shook his head and then turned around and helped Charlie up. She had a red print on the side of her face, but she was alright otherwise.

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