Christmas (Part 1)

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Dean walked out into the living room groggily. His head was pounding with a morning headache, something that was actually quite common for him although he hadn't had one in a while. He looked around, his eyes adjusting to the morning light. Gabriel was sitting on the floor next to the tree and Castiel was sitting on the couch, reading the paper. Dean cleared his throat and Castiel simply turned the page. Dean looked down at his watch and saw it was almost 10 in the morning.

"Good morning Dean. Merry Christmas." Castiel said as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" he asked.

Castiel turned to look at him. "It's Christmas, Dean. I was being nice."

Dean pursed his lips and then nodded. "Alright. Well, would you like coffee, Gabriel?" Dean asked. Gabriel waved his hand.

"I don't like coffee unless you have a whole bag of sugar in it." Gabriel said.

Dean clicked his tongue. "Okay, cool. Well I'm going to get coffee and then I'll head over to Bobby's for two hours. Unless you guys need me?"

Gabriel shook his head. "We won't need you until later tonight. Our parents are going to be coming over for Christmas dinner."

Dean nodded and then walked into the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee. He walked back out, taking a sip.

"Dean," Castiel said. Dean looked at him. "Would you please stay for presents?" he asked.

Dean looked at him curiously. Why does it matter if he stays or goes? "Um, yeah sure, alright." he said, walking over to sit down next to the tree. Castiel stopped him.

"No, Gabriel hands out the presents normally. It's a tradition."

Dean raised his eyebrows but nodded, sitting next to Castiel. He looked over at the tree and that's when he realized how many presents there actually /were/. There were presents all sorts of shapes and sizes. Dean was surprised he hadn't noticed them earlier. Gabriel grabbed a red box that was wrapped neatly with a gold shimmery bow on top and held it out for Dean. Dean grabbed it gingerly and went to hand it to Cass who shook his head.

"It's for you." Castiel said, watching Dean. Dean frowned.

"For me?"

Castiel nodded. Dean looked down at the red present and then swallowed, picking at the wrapping paper. He slowly opened it, ideas of what it might be racing through his mind. Dean put the wrapping paper aside and stared at the medium-sized white box. He looked at Castiel and then back at the box. Dean removed the lid and felt his jaw drop slightly. He slowly pulled out the dark blue twill jacket, running his fingers slowly along the smooth-ish material. It looked expensive and, knowing Castiel, it probably was. Dean looked back at Castiel and frowned.

"Why did you get me this?" Dean asked.

Castiel shrugged. "I figured it be a nice change from your leather one."

Dean bit his lip, looking the jacket over again. It was honestly one of the sweetest gifts Dean had ever gotten but he didn't know if he could accept it.

For now, he simply said, "Thank you."

Castiel nodded. "You're welcome."

Dean watched as Gabriel handed Castiel a present and then grabbed one himself. As Dean watched, he absentmindedly played with the twill fabric, rubbing his thumb in circles on it.


Dean looked down at his watch. They just finished opening presents and now they were sitting and talking about their plans for the day. There were still some presents under the tree that Castiel bought for Sam- Dean was a little upset about it and told Castiel he would pay for it, but Castiel repeatedly told him not to worry about it- but besides that it was just the tree. Dean saw it was almost 1:00pm.

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