The Suit

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Dean chopped the bell peppers that Castiel bought into thin slices, his motions smooth and precise. He set them on the glass plate right next to the small dipping bowl filled with ranch and then walked them out to where Castiel and Gabriel were sitting. Gabriel had been there for four hours and Dean had not heard him shut up once.

"So then I said to the guy, 'What, are you kicking or kissing?'." he said laughing as he slapped his knee. Castiel nodded, taking one of the peppers gratefully and dipping it in ranch.

"Yes, that is quite a funny joke."

Dean tried not to visibly cringe. "Would you like anything else to drink or eat?"

Gabriel shook his head, taking a bite of the chocolate chip cookie that Dean gave him earlier. Castiel had bought a box from the store. "No. I'm good. Thank you."

Dean nodded and then turned to Castiel. Castiel smiled at him. "No thank you, Dean."

Dean smiled back, trying to hold back the blush that was creeping up his cheeks. He turned around and walked back into the kitchen to clean up his mess.

"So Cassie," Gabriel said as he finished the cookie. "How is your end of the business going?"

Castiel leaned back, licking his teeth absentmindedly. Dean felt a shiver run down his spine as he remembered the feeling of Castiel's tongue along his jaw and he quickly went back to putting the knife in the sink along with the other dishes.

"It's going well. Mr. Koshimoto and I will be closing the deal next week, via Skype, and then they will start building in April of next year."

Gabriel clapped. "I've always wanted a hotel in Japan!"

Castiel nodded as he took a sip of his water. "Yes, Japan is quite beautiful. The Cherry Blossoms will be blooming around the time we start building. I might go down to visit while they build. It'd be very serene at that time."

"And what about the deal in New York City?" Gabriel asked.

"I closed that deal last week. We start building in early February."

Gabriel smiled. "This is why you're my consultant and partner little brother!" he sighed and then stood up. "Oh, by the way Castiel, I'm hosting that dinner tonight for the adoption center, and I'm supposed to give a big speech. You're coming to that, right?"

Castiel nodded, about to take a sip of his water. "Of course."

Gabriel grinned. "Good. Find a date."

Castiel almost choked on his water. "Date?"

Gabriel nodded. "Yes. It's a formal banquet." he looked over at Dean. "Take him if you'd like. I'm sure he'd probably enjoy it."

"Where are you going?" Castiel asked as he cleared his throat.

"I have to go to the adoption agency's building and make sure that all of our plans are still the same." he said. "I'll see you at Olive Garden at 6 p.m. Don't be late." Gabriel gave Castiel a stern look and then left.

Dean looked at Castiel who took a sip of his water. He walked over to Dean, shoving a hand in his dress pants. He leaned against the wall, taking one last drink as he looked at the clock hanging to his right. Dean looked him up and down, biting his lip softly.

Castiel was wearing a white dress shirt and black slacks, the first three buttons of his dress shirt undone. His tie was gone, but he still looked professional. He ran a hand through his black hair and then his blue eyes met Dean's. Dean looked away quickly, finishing the knife he was washing.

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