Chapter 10

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Grayson's P.O.V

"Ethan." I holler his name.

"Yeah?" He responds back.

"Madalynn's room. Now." I say, and I walk up to her room. A few seconds later, Ethan walks in.

"Shut the door." I say, and he shuts the door.

"What do you want?" Ethan ask, and I stare at him.

"I want you to lose feelings for Madalynn." I say, and he just looks at me.

"That's kinda hard bro." Ethan says, and I give him a death stare.

"Lose feelings for her. She's mine! Not yours! I called dibs, now leave her alone!" I say, practically screaming at him.

"It's kinda hard to lose feelings for her dude! All you're gonna do is get in her pants a few more times, and throw her away like she's a piece of garbage! NO girls deserves to be treated like that. And I'll be damned if you're gonna treat her like that!" Ethan says, causing me to get pissed.

"I'm changing! I told her I'm gonna change just to be with her! You just watch how I'm gonna treat her! You're gonna be surprised of how much I'm gonna change." I say, and he just looks at me.

"I've seen how you've treated your past girls Gray. You're not gonna change. You're my twin brother. I know you bro." Ethan says, and I roll my eyes.

"Just watch. I'm gonna treat her good. I promise. Now lose fucking feelings for her so I can get with her. She said she's not gonna date me as long as you have feelings for her. I have mad feelings for her dude. Give me a chance at this, please?" I say, in a calm voice.

Ethan breathes in, and lets it out.

"Fine. I'll try to lose feelings for her. But if you fuck up while you're with her, we're gonna have issues. Like I done said, no girls deserves to be treated like they don't matter." Ethan says, and walks out the room.

He leaves me there, with my hands balled up in fist. I was highly pissed off.

Madalynn comes in, and she just stands at the door way.

"What happened?" Madalynn asks, and I just look at her.

"I handled some business. Ethan is gonna try to lose feelings for you so I can date you." I say, and she walks up to me and plants a kiss on my lips.

Gah. She was something else.

"But where is Ethan going?" Madalynn asked, and I shrugged my shoulders.

"There is no telling. He's mad. He's more than likely gonna go walking." I say, and she shakes her head yes.

A few hours pass by, and Madalynn and I are on the couch, cuddling watching Family Guy. Ethan has yet to return, and we're starting to get a little worried.

I call him. No answer.

I call again. No answer.

"Madalynn, call Ethan." I say, and I give her his number.

Madalynn's P.O.V

It rings a few times, then he answers.

"Hey. Where are you?"
"I went walking. I'm at the park. I needed to clear my mind."
"Oh. Well do you want me to come talk to you? I know how you're feeling right now."
"I mean, you can if you want to. Won't Gray get mad?" He asked, and I look at Grayson.

You can tell he got mad, but he shakes his head no.

"He said he don't care. I'm on my way." I say, and hang up.

On my way to the park, it was quiet. It's was chilly, the wind was blowing, and it was just a perfect scenery.

My phone starts ringing, and I answer it.

"Why aren't you at your house? I'm here." Sophia says.

I totally forgot they were coming over. Fuck.

"Uh. It'll be a few. I'm going walking right now. Just keep Grayson company."
"How are we suppose to keep- wait. Grayson? As in Grayson Dolan?"

Fuck. I forgot to tell them about everything that happened. I'm a horrible friend.
Um, yeah. Grayson. He's at my house. Go in and see what he's doing."
You can hear them get out the car, and go inside.

How are we suppose to keep him company when he is asleep?"
"Well I don't know then. I'm headed to the park to talk to Ethan. He's in his feels." I say, and hang up.

It takes my five more minutes to get to the park, and I see Ethan just sitting on a swing swinging back and forth.

"You ok?" I ask, and he turns around.

"I guess you can say I am." He says, and I get a little upset. You can tell he was upset.

I sit down beside him on the other swing.

"Don't be sad E. I'm just a stupid girl tha- you're not a stupid girl." He interrupts me when I call myself stupid.

"If anything, you're a intelligent girl. You're beautiful. Grayson is very lucky." He says.

"But I'm gonna say this." He says.

"Don't get hurt. Don't get attached. He's just gonna screw around like he's always done with his past girls." Ethan says, and I nod my head yes.

"He told me he would change. What if he don't? What if I do get attached?" I say, and he looks at me.

"I'm warning you, Madalynn. He's my twin brother. Don't get attached. And if you do get attached, I'm gonna be very disappointed in you." Ethan says, and looks me in the eyes.

What's up guys? I hope you all had a marvelous day!
I've been updating more recently because I've had extra time then what I used to the past 3 months.

I've came to realization that my FIRST BOOK I WROTE HAS 18K reads, and this one I'm writing has 1K reads!THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!

Expect the next chapter to be a little intense.
And expect a new chapter to go up tomorrow. I'm not sure what time yet. 😛❤️

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