Chapter 28

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Madalynn's P.O.V

"Yo, are you almost done?" Ethan exclaims impatiently because I'm still going through Graysons stuff.

"Yes E, almost." I say as I grab some of his clothes and put in a bag.

I come across his Adidas long sleeve shirt that I always wear. It was one of my favorites, so you know what? I'm gonna keep it.

I put it up with my stuff and finishing going through Graysons- grabbing the last few shirts.

I get done and I stand up, instantly stretching from sitting down for so long.

"Finally done huh?" Ethan sits up and looks at me.

"Yes. Finally." I close my closet door and move his clothes to the side.

I sit down on my bed and look at Ethan.

"Can I ask you something and you be honest with me?" I look him in the eyes and bite the inside of my cheek.

"Go for it." Ethan moves around and sits crissed-crossed, putting his attention on me.

"Did you know Grayson was cheating on me?" I look away but look back up at him.

He takes a breath and stays silent- making me question.

He looks me dead in my eyes.

"No. I did not know he was cheating on you." He pauses. "And if I did know, I would've told you." He admits with pure honesty.

It stays silent for a few, until Ethan finally speaks up.

"I don't get it either." He shakes his head as he looks like he's thinking hard and trying to think of what to say.

"Get what?" I ask in confusion.

Ethan looks at me and purses his lips together.

"He always talked about you, nonstop. Always about how much he loved you and how much you meant to him." Ethan finally spoke, but in a nonchalant manner.

I furrow my eyebrows together and think.

"He's a good liar you know?" I shrug and look away from him.

"He's dumb you know?" Ethan crosses his arms. "Cheating on a girl like you." I look back to him.

"Any guy would be lucky to have you." He admits with truthfulness laced in his tone. "And I'm not saying I have feelings for you. I don't, anymore." He nods his head.

"I'm just glad to call you a friend. Nothing more or nothing less." He puts his hands up in defense and grins.

My lips curve upward while I look at him.

"Thanks E." I nod my head.

He sends me a grin and nods his head.

"I'm sorry this happened to you." Ethan puts his hand on my knee. "I was determined to think he has changed, but I guess not." He shrugs and removes his hand.

"It's okay." I reassure him. "I should've listened to myself."

It stays silent as Ethan gets off the bed and goes downstairs- but I quickly follow.

I watch him as he quickly goes to the kitchen. He opens the refrigerator and looks around.

"You want anything to eat? I'll cook it." He shoots his head in my direction as I sit on the stairs.

"Sure. Even though it's 10 at night." I raise my eyebrows and watch him as he grabs stuff out of the refrigerator to cook.

"Shush." Ethan sarcastically tells me- causing me to grin.

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