Chapter 1

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You woke up at 7:00Am for another Monday morning you hated school because every single day there is always drama no matter what sometimes it involves you but not all the time you just don't know why there is always something going on its like big brother or something but the drama entertains you unless it includes you

You got out of bed got changed into your school uniform it was so boring light blue polo with a navy jumper and navy trousers the school is so strict about the uniform like they complain if you are wearing multicoloured socks they have to be white black or navy cause it "affects your education" or some shit like that.

Once changed you went to the bath room to brush your teeth and to do your hair you decide to put your hair in a fishtail plat today once out of the bathroom you go back into your room to get your phone and iPod your mum doesn't like you to take your iPod to school because she's afraid it will get lost or broken but you take it anyway

Once downstairs you go to your kitchen and get a bowl and have some cereal lucky charms to be exact and have a glass of milk as well you sit down on the floor and watch some t.v until its 7:40 you put your packed lunch in your bag on get some money so you can buy something at school you put your coat and shoes on then but your backpack on your back and leave the house

As you walk to school you think of all the reasons why you hate school the stupid bitches and the whores there are so many of them I once went to the toilet in the middle of class and I heard two people fucking in one of the stalls as soon as I heard that I just walked back to class and just kept the pee in like there was no way I was going to pee in a stall where a few feet away there are two people fucking that's just gross

You got to the bus stop and went to the shop opposite to buy a drink because you hated the drinks they have in school and you just like buying drinks in the shop so your not waiting outside in the cold for the bus for too long

For about five minutes waiting at the bus stop your best friend Chloe joins you and you talk about how your weekend went

You: you know the usual on twitter and talking to Justin

Chloe: oh talking to Justin now is it did anything else happen over the weekend with you two (while budging your arm)

You: Chloe you know me and Justin aren't like that you know I'm not a slut and to be honest I don't think he even likes me all the girls drool over him and every girl wants him so there is too much competition

Chloe: y/n I know you like him I can tell it in your eyes every time we talk about him your eyes light up and you can't help but smile I know what you do when you when you like a boy and you are doing those things with Justin

You: what kind of things are you talking about I don't do anything around boys that I like and I don't act different around Justin

Chloe: well for a start your eyes widen you smile and giggle then you defend yourself about how you don't have feelings about anyone then you go in-denial

You: NO I don't I told you I don't have any feelings for Justin ( I lied I may have some feelings for him) anyway even if I did I couldn't go out with him cause I've known him for too long and what if we break up it would ruin our friendship and I couldn't bare to see him heartbroken

just as we finished our conversation Justin turns up at the bus stop

Justin: hey y/n hi Chloe

(He alway say hey to me but then hi to Chloe I have no clue why Chloe says he's trying to flirt with me but I think he doesn't like to use the same word all the time)

I was about to say something but then the bus comes up the street and we all get our passes out and its really annoying cause my pass is always at the bottom of my bag and if we don't show them we can't get on the bus but one more year and I can get my drivers license but I don't under stand why Justin doesn't drive his way to school like he can drive and has his own car so why don't he just drive


Hey this was part one of the story I hope you all like it please vote and tell me what you think and should I carry on with this story please follow me on twitter @dirtybelieber2 thank you for reading ok bye next chapter coming FRIDAY 7TH FEBRUARY!!!!!!!!!

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