Chapter 3

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Once I got to my door I tried opening it. SHIT locked please please please say I have my key I said. I was searching thro my bag looking for my key FUCK where is it I said starting to panic cause my mum doesn't get home until half 4 and my dad doesn't get home until 5 and its now half 3 great then I remember my Hollister jacket (the teachers hate it so much cause its pink and not navy black or white and if its not them colours it apparently affects our learning.

I look in my jacket pockets and FUCK YEAH BITCHES I shouted a little to loud considering there are little kids walking down my street cause I live by a primary school and their parent walk their kids down my street is annoying but anyway I get my key an unlock my door.

Once its open I put my bag where it belongs and go upstairs into my bedroom plug my phone into my water speakers(yes I have them in real life) and start playing avicii hey brother as it plays I get out of my stupid uniform and into my leggings a baggy coca cola t shirt and put my jacket back on.

After I few minutes my phone starts to ring it's Justin

Justin: hey me and the guys are going out to town and I was wondering if you wanna join us

To be honest I get along more with boys than girls it's just that boys don't bitch about you and they are not two faced and fake well the ones I hung out with aren't anyway

Y/N: ok yeah about what time are you are you going

Justin: uh about an hour if thats ok

Y/N: yea that's fine and where am I meeting you by

Justin: don't worry I will pick you up

Y/N: ok thanks babe

Then i hang up SHIT did I just call Justin babe FUCK FUCK FUCK I hope he didn't hear me


Wait did Y/N just called me babe nah she couldn't have she doesn't like me or does she wait what could have she said instead and it might me just be hearing things. I hope this plan works ok the truth is nobody else is going its just me and Y/N I really like her and I think it's about time to tell her and if I said that is was only me and her she probably wouldn't go anyway I can't wait to see her beautiful smile again.


Ok so that's this chapter done i don't know why I write these so late it's like 10pm and im sitting on the floor in my bedroom (don't ask me why I'm sitting on the floor) lol I totally forgot that when I planned to write on valentines day lol and the same for each year its me sitting alone eating what ever chocolate I have left from Christmas hahaha any way next chapter will be on the 21ST FEBRUARY yay lol ok see you then btw should I keep the character name as Y/N or give her an actual name tell me in the comments ok bye

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