Chapter 11

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When I got home I ran up to my room and unpacked my stuff and put everything back to where they belong and it was now 1:30pm so I decided to face time Justin it only took a few seconds for him to answer.

Justin: Hey babe!

Leah: Hi sexy 😉.

Justin: Ugh I'm so bored without you by my side.

Leah: Yeah me to. Hey are you doing anything later?

Justin: No why?

Leah: Because do you wanna go on a proper date ?

Justin: Yea sounds good but where?

Leah: How about we go to the cinema to see non-stop?

Justin: Yeah but aren't you going on a holiday on a plane like in a month don't you think that might put you off?

Leah: No not really and its just a film anyway.

Justin: True ok so what are the time showings.

Leah: Uh the time are 11:30am 1:00pm 3:55pm at 6:20pm and the last one is at 9:30pm but I don't think I will be able to go that late.( BTW all made up times.)

Justin: So its the 6:20pm we will see is it?

Leah: That sounds like a plan and we can go to mcdonalds first because that right opposite the cinema then go watch the film.

Justin: Ok I will pick you up at three is that enough time for you to get ready know that your a girl and you "need" tine to do your make up.(being sarcastic)

Leah; oi I don't take that long to get ready and yea it is enough time to get ready so I will see you at 3 I gotta go now to pick out my outfit I want it to be a surprise for you 😉.

Justin: GOD I love it when you play hard to get its super sexy 😉!

Leah: Oh Justin what am I going to do with you?

Justin: Love me hug me but please dont leave me!

Leah: Don't worry I would never leave you anyway I gotta go I will talk to you later bye!

Justin: Bye baby I love you!

Leah: I love you more!

Justin: but I love you most!

And with that we ended our call and i started to get ready


Sorry if this is kinda short but i want to make this story as long as possible and that I am going to poland tomorrow and I am giving up my sleeping time to do this UGH I have to get up at 2am and go to school FML anyway next chapter is on the FRIDAY 1⃣1⃣TH APRIL anyway my follow me on twitter if you want to know more about my fangirling life my twitter name is @dirtybelieber2 I know the two is stupid but oh well anyway see ya next week BTW sorry the titles suck but its kinda hard to think of different for each different chapter.

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