Chapter 25

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Justin: I cant believe I've lost her shes never going to talk to me ever again and its all my fault.

Kelsey: She loves you to much to let you go shes just come out of hospital. Shes not really back to her self yet just wait until you see her in school then try to talk to her.

Serena: Remember she also kicked us out as well and Justin please get off the grass because we cant drive yet and we are not carrying home you either.

Justin: Ok ok I'm getting up.

I stood up and got into my car with Serena and kelsey in the back seats I dropped kelsey and Serena at their house and I went home I know I'm gonna have to deal with this bullshit sooner or later so I might as well get it over with. As I walked through the door my mother was standing behind it. Arms crossed with her foot tapping on the floor she had obviously heard my car outside.

Pattie: Explain now!

I knew I wasn't going to get way from this so I sat down an told her my side of the story.

( you know what happens so I'm not gonna repeat it.)

Pattie: Well thats a complete different story from what Jaxon told me.

I knew he would lie to make it look like I'm in the wrong as he always does but I'm not letting this one slide like all the others.


Pattie shouted to Jaxon who was in our room to be honest I dread to think what he had been doing in there while I was gone. Half my stuff is probably broke or smashed or he's used them for something for his needs. Jaxon then started running down the stairs. One day he's gonna trip and fall and that day I'll be waiting to record and laugh plus it would be a great blackmail to use but anyway. We both sat on the chair and Jaxon said his side which of course he had twisted the story. There was only one way to settle this and it was to get kelsey, Serena and leah involved I didn't want them to get involved with this if I'm honest its just this is more of a family thing but I need them because they know the truth but leah hates me so I'm not going to bother asking her because she doesn't want me around.

Pattie: Well I wasn't there so how are we gonna settle this.

Justin: Well Serena and Kelsey know what happened so we can let them to tell their story.

Jaxon: Thats not fair because they are all his friends and they are obviously going to take justins side.

Justin: Why are you so worried if your side of the story is "so true"?


So sorry for the short chapter I'm getting ready to go caravanning again so I've been rushed to do this lol any way see ya next week ( 4th july)

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