Chapter 8

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(A/N This is gonna be a bit longer than the rest bc it had more speech in it ok enjoy.)


Ok so we started to play the game I was so nervous because if I lost I would have to give Justin a hand job. Yes I do love him but we have only been dating for not even a day yet and I don't want to rush into things.


I saw the look on Leah's face I knew she was nervous and she was afraid to lose but if she didn't want to give me a hand job then why did she say it?


The game was almost over I was in 1st but Justin was 1 point behind me i was freaking out just then Justin got another kill and we were both tied with only 1 minute left of the game just then he got another point in the last 10 seconds.


JUSTIN: YES I WON!!! Leah you know what that means.


I went into another room and Leah followed and I could tell by the way she looked around she was scared.

JUSTIN: Hey babe what wrong?

LEAH: I'm really sorry but I really don't want to give you a hand job its too soon 😔.

She looked down at the floor shy and embarrassed.

JUSTIN: Ok ok.

I said trying to calm her down.

JUSTIN: If you don't want to do it then I'm not gonna let you. How about we just make out instead?

LEAH: Ok look I'm sorry for letting you down.

JUSTIN: Aww come you need to know that I will never make you do something that you don't want to do.

We then both made out for about 10 second then we broke the kiss to catch our breathes. We walked back into the living room and all the other guys were giving us a 😏type face.

(A/N I didn't know how to explain that type of face. )

LEAH: Uh babe do you mind telling them

JUSTIN: Sure baby ok so we didn't do it cause Leah was nervous and she didn't want to rush into things and I wouldn't make her do it if she didn't want to.

JASON: But didn't the both of you shake on it?

JUSTIN: Yea but I could tell by the way she was looking around and she was regretting what she said so it doesn't matter there will be time for that its just not now.


Im so glad Justin didn't make me do it and he understood why. I'm so happy that he doesn't want to rush into it either.

JAKE: So Justin your saying she will give you one one day?

JUSTIN: All depends on how it goes like I don't really want to plan out our relationship I just wanna go along with it and let whatever happens happen

Leah: Aww babe thats so sweet of you!

JUSTIN: Hey anything for my special girl. Anyway wanna watch a movie.

JACK: Yea by any chance to you have woman in black?

JUSTIN: Actually yea hold on let me get it.

Justin went up stairs and got the DVD then hr put it in the DVD player and the movie started.


Ok thats another chapter this party is taking a while lol but oh well it gives it a bit of a cliffhanger to the story in trying to go slow with the story so it will last longer thats why the chapters are a bit short plus i do this every week so i don't want to give to much away in one chapter ok next chapter is on the 2⃣1⃣ST MARCH see ya then!!!

Bestfriend into boyfriendحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن