Chapter 24

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So here I am locked In Serena's bathroom crying my eyes out. I have never cried so much in my life its just when leah is with me and I know shes safe I feel happy and relaxed bit now knowing that she is in the hospital and I have no clue if she alright or not. I started to walk to the bathroom door and unlocked it Kelsey and Serena were both still outside of the door.

Kesley: Justin are you alright?

Justin: Not until see my girl!

Serena: What do you mean?

Justin: I'm driving down to the hospital to see her you can join me if you want.

Kelsey: I'll go!

Serena: Me too!

Justin: Ok lets go now!

I walked to my car its was a red Mazda that I got off my mum when I turned 18. We all got in and I started to drive to Leah's house 1st because obviously her parents must know about this and they would know where in the hospital she is plus I wanted to apologise for my brothers actions. Once we got there I wanted to go on my own because as usual I have to take responsibilities for my brothers mistakes. I knocked on the door and a few minutes later Leah's mum answered she didn't look to please with me.

Abbey: What are you doing here?

Justin: I came to apologise for my brother I am so sorry. (I tried my nest not to start crying again)

Abbey: Oh uh do you wanna come in?

Justin: Uh I don't know because I was going to see her in the hospital.

Abbey: Actually her dad has just gone to pick her up.

Justin: Ok well to you mind if i stay until she gets back.

Abbey: Of course come in and her friends.

I walked back to my car and told Serena and Kelsey and we all went inside her house.

We sat there until the door opened I ran towards Leah and hugged her but she didnt hug me back in fact she pushed me away.

Justin: Hey whats wrong?

Leah: GO AWAY!

Justin: Leah please talk to me I'm here for you.

Leah: Yea right if you really were there for me none of this would of happened!

Justin: No please dont do what I think your going to do.

Leah: im sorry justin but its over now GET OUT ALL OF YOU!

and with that we all left me Serena and Kelsey all walked to my car but I fell to my knees before I got to the car and I broke down in tears for the second time today.


Ohhh drama aww its over for Justin and leah or is it find out on the 27th June ok byes see ya next week

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