Chapter 12

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Hi btw I am super sorry I didn't update yesterday i had an argument with one of my friends and i was reflecting my life so yea.


I look through my wardrobe and found a dress it was white at the top and the bottom of it was teal I put it on and I curled my hair. I did my make up I put on a light green eye shadow black mascara and my pink baby lips lip balm. I then grabbed my shoes and a teal bag I put my makeup phone and purse into my bag it was now 2:45 so Justin would be here soon I hope this date works and that I don't mess it up.


I was ready to go pick leah up and I couldn't wait to see what she was wearing I hope she is wearing a dress and in case your wondering I am wearing black skinny jeans a white button up shirt and a black long sleeved wast coat I locked my house and went to my car it was a Bugatti

( A/N I think I spelled that correct lol I cant spell to save my life)

And I left to pick leah up considering the cinema was a 20 minute drive. I got out of the car and knocked on Leah's door and a few moments later she opened it and there she was in a beautiful dress she was amazingly gorgeous I held my hand out and she held on to it and I walked her to the car and we left.


Justin stood there god he looked so hot I couldn't believe this boy standing right in front of me was my boyfriend he walked me to the car and we drove off. It was a fun ride as me and him were telling stories about our childhood together and the things we did. Once we got there Justin parked the car and we went to mcdonalds he ordered our food he had a big mac meal and I had a chicken mcnuggets meal once our food was done and Justin had paid we sat down and ate

Justin: You know your not like other girls.

Leah: What do you mean?

Justin: Well most girls would hate it if a guy took a girl on a date to mcdonalds.

Leah: Well I would pass up a fancy dinner for a fast food meal anyday.

Justin:And also your so adventurous you don't mind going out in the mud and getting dirty and you always get along with my friends as well.

Leah: The truth is that I prefer guys over girls because guys don't go bullshitting be hind your back!

Justin: That can be true if you hung out with the rights guys and I'm sure me nor our friends wont do that to you!

Leah: Aww thanks babe well in done!

Justin: Wow you waste no time when it comes to food!

Leah: You know that I love my food.

Justin: And you know that i love you!

Leah:Any way we better go and watxh the film now its 6:10.

Justin: Okay lets go!

And with that we left mcdonalds and watched the film. Once the film was over Justin took me home and I gave him a kiss and thanked him for the lovely night then went to bed for the rest of the night.


So thats another chapter done yay I'm on easter break and so there will be more chapters bc of no school so there will be one on monday the 1⃣4⃣th and one on wednesday the 1⃣6⃣th more dates coming soon okey guys bye for now see ya on monday!

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