Chapter 10

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(A/N please after the chapter to read the end part because i wont be able to update next friday)

Shit shit shit why did it have to be permanent why couldn't it been a dry wipe marker. Well I'm just gonna have to tell him

LEAH: uh Justin the pen i used was kinda sorta permanent I'm so sorry i didn't know please it wasn't meant to be permanent

JUSTIN: you WHAT! Are you being serious UGH well im sorry to tell you that your gonna have to help me get this off of my face no matter how long it takes

LEAH: ok Justin well take a bath 1st see if that helps

JUSTIN: fine i will be back in 20 minutes

I was so scared right now like what happens if it NEVER comes off,my boyfriend will have to walk and go to places with a dick on his cheek UGH why did i have to get my payback and why did it have to backfire.

I ran upstairs i was angry at leah for doing that but i understand that it was a joke but she could have looked and checked it wasn't permanent well there is nothing i can do now so i might as well try my best to get it off. And as of that i got in the shower and started to try and get the pen off my face.

I knew Justin would be a while so i started to talk to the other guys

Leah: do you think that Justin will forgive me for this?

Jason: yeah i think he will like he seems pretty pissed off at the moment but I'm sure he will calm down

Jake: justin has always been this type of person he thinks that he is the king of pranks and he gets really annoyed when people try and prank him and succeed.

Leah: yeah i know Justin pranks you guys a lot and i find it really funny of how Justin takes it so seriously.

Just then i heard Justin call my name from upstairs

Justin: leah could you come up here please

I ran up and found Justin in his room with nothing apart from a towel around his waist.

Leah: uh don't you wanna put something on first

Justin: don't worry i got boxers on underneath and look the pen is still not coming off

Leah: well what have you tried

Justin: bubble bath, shower gel and soap and its still not coming off

Leah: wait i have an idea

I ran to my bag and got out a bottle of nail varnish remover

Justin: wait what are you doing with that

Leah: well if i know one thing it's that nail varnish remover can get rid of pretty much any thing that has been draw on

Justin: OK but are sure its safe

Leah: don't talk because it could go in your mouth and poison you.

Justin's eyes went wide with shock but luckily he didn't open his mouth and just like i said it was coming very fast and in a few minutes it was all off. Justin took another shower to get rid of the nail varnish remover and the smell of it off his face. Once he was done he came back only in boxers and we started to make out for a while until someone knocked on the door it was all the other guys

Jason: ok so we are gonna go we will see you monday bye biebs

Justin: ok see ya then

Leah:bye guys

Then me and Justin carried on making out until my phone started ringing it was my mam ( btw my mums name is abbie)

Leah: ayo

Abbie: hey sweetie just to let you know that i will be picking you up in about half an hour so be ready.

Leah: ok see ya then

I hung up and told Justin

Leah: hey i have half an hour until i go in gonna get out of my pyjamas

Justin ok I'm get changed as well ill be in the bathroom

After about five minutes i was changed then i started doing my hair when Justin sat behind me playing with it

Justin: you have such amazing and soft hair

Leah: thanks justin and did you know what else it amazing and soft

Justin: what?

Leah: your lips

Justin: aww come here babe

Then we made out until my mam came to pick me up to take me home. The car ride was pretty simple my mum ask some questions like what did i do and did i enjoy it.


Thats another chapter done for the week hope you enjoy and i am starting to like this book but i still think it needs improvement but this is my first book so yea hope you enjoyed it so far


So next chapter is thursday 3rd april see ya then

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