Chapter 5

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Hey guys I'm back with another chapter and this is my last chapter to wright while Justin is still a teen for a spacial treat i will do a chapter tomorrow as well just cause of Justin ok now lets get started


Justin: I love you so much i always have and i always will please go out with me please its my birthday tomorrow and my special birthday wish is for you to be my girlfriend please will you?

Leah: OH MY GOSH are you kidding me? You set all this up so you could ask me out oh Justin thats so sweet and kind of you

Justin: So what do you say do you wanna be my girlfriend

Leah: Justin I'm not stupid of course i will be your girlfriend

Justin: oh my god thank you so much you don't under stand how much you mean to me.

Leah: Oh Justin you can be so cute it just makes me laugh sometimes

Justin: So shall we go home you know to tell everyone that your my girlfriend

Leah: ok just a sec let me put my trash in the bin


OH MY GOSH i can't believe Justin just asked me out best night ever i thought to myself i was just so overwhelmed of what just happen. We went back to my house and we walked in my hand in Justin's with a huge smile on my face

Leah: Uh dad mam can i tell you something (i was very nervous cause me and my parents have known Justin for a long time and his parents and my patents have been friends before me and Justin were born

Mam: whats that sweetie

Leah: I have a boyfriend

Dad: What who is this boyfriend of yours

I then signalised Justin to come around the corner he was hiding in

Justin:hey ( he said very awkwardly)

Dad: really Justin is your boyfriend i thought you didn't like him in that...

Then mam put her hand over his mouth to shut him up

Mam: Awww sweetie I'm so happy for you but i don't want you two rushing into things

Leah:Oh gosh mam no way I'm only 15 for gods sake.

Mam: i know but you never know what life could throw at you

Justin: i promise i wont do anything like that until I'm married

(A/N ok my heart kind of dropped when i wrote that last sentence just the thought of Justin getting married just gets me a bit sad and emotional sometimes)

Dad: you better not and that goes for you too leah

Leah: i know dad well me and Justin are going over to Pattie's to tell her that I'm going out with her son

Mam: ok don't be to long i want you back by 10 at the latest

Leah: ok no problem

We arrived at Justin's house and he just walked in with me still holding each others hands

Justin: hey mom you would never believe what happened tonight it was the happiest moment of my life

Pattie: oh Justin please don't tell me you didn't...

Justin: OH god no

Pattie: oh thank god i was getting worried for a second anyway what do want to tell me

Justin: i got a girlfriend

Pattie: aww I'm so proud of you so who is the lucky girl do i know her

Justin: yeah you defiantly know her

Pattie: so who is it

Then Justin poked me to come into pattie's view

Pattie: oh my gosh leah i dint know who else it was gonna be Justin cant stop talking about you he always say how amazing an how beautiful you are to him you won't believe how many times I've told him to stop talking about you

Justin:MOM your embarrassing me in front if my girlfriend

Just then my phone rang it was my dad

Leah: hold on babes i gotta take this its my dad

Justin: babes hmm i like the sound of that

Pattie: oh Justin i don't know what to do with you sometimes

Justin: wait what i said that out loud

Pattie: yes you did honey

Leah: sorry Justin but i have to go i will call you as soon as i get home

Then i kissed his cheek i didn't want to kiss him on lips cause pattie was there

Justin: aww i liked it when you called me babes better

Leah: ok babes i will talk to you soon

Justin:i know how about i walk you home you know cause its dark

Leah:ok i would like that

We walked until we got to my drive way and before i could walk up my drive Justin pulled me back and kissed me on the lips it was the best minute of my life

Justin: oh sorry i just i have been waiting to do that for so long

Leah: that was amazing Justin you are the best kisser ever

Justin: you think so

Leah:no i don't think so i know so

Justin:aww you got that from me

Leah: yes yes i did

Justin: ok babe i will see you tomorrow and we can have a proper date

Leah: sounds like a plan

I walked in and went to bed i put my pyjamas on and went to sleep smiling


I cant believe I'm going out with leah this has to be one of the best days of my life i said to my mom

Pattie: Justin you need to calm down i know your excited about tomorrow is your 20th birthday and you just got a girlfriend but you must relax and go to sleep

Justin: ok i will try

Pattie: i will check on you in an hour to see if your sleeping

After that my mom left but i couldn't sleep i had my birthday on my mind and leah mainly leah just saying her name makes me smile after a few minutes i drifted off to sleep


Ok so thats another chapter done this was kinda short cause I'm gonna do another chapter tomorrow thats based on Justin's birthday party i thought it would be good to do Justin's birthday party on his birthday in real life i still can't believe he's gonna be 20 my mum still thinks Justin is 17 lol anyway thats it for today see you guys tomorrow good bye writing chapters while Justin is

a teen and good bye teenage Justin :'( !!! <\3

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