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"W-what do you mean?" I ask, my voice frail. I deny myself hope right away, seeing that I can't stand to have them crushed again. She "woke "up?

"I can't understand how this is possible Harry, but she's... alive." I hear through the phone and my heart-rate doubles by the second. No, no, no... It's not possible. Claire is dead.

"Stop." I whisper. Don't do this to me.

"Harry! She's alive and her eyes are fucking open! Get over here, NOW!" she shouts with unbelief in her pitched voice, and I hear it for the first time. She's... alive?

"Put her on the phone," I plead, millions of thoughts and questions multiply in my mind. How is this true? She was dead. I saw her, with no beating heart and no life in her body. Adrenaline pumps through every inch of my body, to the tip of my fingers as I get up from the couch. I take a moment, looking around at the apartment to make sure I am not dreaming. Or dead. A few seconds is all it takes me for to decide; this is real.

"She's pretty out of it, just get over here!" Yang squeaks over the phone. My breath hitches as I search for my shoes, my body quickening in every aspect. My heart beats faster, my muscles strengthen, my lungs fill with air. She's alive.

"What happened?" I question with felicity.

"She was just headed for the operating room, and she started to pink up. Her heart started beating and-" She tells in order, my stomach fluttering with utter joy.

"And she just- she just opened her eyes!" She cheers, as I get the shoes on my feet. I don't bother grabbing a coat or anything else, I just head for the elevator, my heart ready to jump out of my throat.

"Thank you," I say into the air, after putting the phone away. I don't know exactly who I'm saying thank you to... I'm just so thankful.

"What is she doing now?" I ask, taking in the fact that I'm going to see her again. Claire, she is alive and 15 minutes away.

"The doctors were so baffled, they took her in for scans and some tests." She says, and I let heavy air out of my lungs. My foot taps the ground impatiently, waiting for the doors to slide open in the lobby.

"She's alright," I whisper to myself. She really survived. And now, I'm taking her home. Home to our apartment, to live out the rest of our lives. All my crushed plans are slowly rebuilding in my mind, and I see the endless opportunities we have together.

"Tell I'm there soon, I'm 15 minutes away!" I insist over the phone, as I start running to my parking space after the doors open. I parked right outside the building, so I'm soon behind the wheel.

"I'm coming Claire," I say like she's able to hear me, as I put the phone call on speaker in the car.

"She should be out of the test room soon." Yang says, and I tap my finger against the wheel nervously as I drive as fast as I can, not giving a damn about the speeding limit. If they see me, the police car will have to chase me all the way to the station.

"Ok good, feed me updates as you get them."

"I will," she breathes, and I notice the exhaustion in her speech. She's had a long week.

10 minutes until I get to touch her again, feel her warm skin against mine. 10 minutes until I get to look into her eyes, knowing she's looking back into mine. 10 minutes until I get to love her and be loved again.

I hear a few muffled sounds coming from Yang's end of the line, and a few whispers of frustration from her side.

"Yang! What's going on!" I shout, clenching my hands around the wheel, stepping on the gas. I must be driving 100 km an hour, but I don't care.

"They found quadolaphine in her system, that's what caused her to die for 24 hours." She explains, but ends up confusing me further.

"Quadolaphine? What does it do?" I ask, and I hear her hesitate.

"It causes your organs to shut down until it your body gets cold enough," she tells, and I try to keep up as I focus on the road ahead.

"The drug reacts with the temperature and it gets the blood flowing for a second."

"If the person is really fucking lucky, the blood reaches the heart and it starts pumping, restoring the organs." She says, and I try to imagine it all. And I try to figure out what Zayn's goal is with all of this. He wanted to kill her for 24 hours?

"Harry, she had a one in a million chance of surviving."

My heart is bursting, the car booming past the others. 5 minutes.

I feel a tear roll down my cheek, and I smile. The first happy tear I've had in months.

I can't stop from grinning as I pull up, getting out of the car in an instant. I slam the door shut, running into the building.

"Claire! Claire Tomlinson," I pant to the receptionist, completely out of breath. She smiles, and points down the hall, to the right. The walls are a lime color, with the floor white and shiny. I get to the door, opening it. Yang sits there alone, and I hang up the phone.

"Where is she?"

"She's almost done getting tested, they ordered me to wait here." She says, pointing to the next room. The joining door is locked shut. I'm gonna go crazy if I'm without her for one more minute.

I try to sit down and get my racing heart under control, but I can't. I need to see her.

Any second, the door will unlock and she will be in my arms.

I literally jump out of my chair when I hear the sound of the lock getting opened. I get over to the door in a matter of seconds and pull it open. A man with a white coat stands in the frame, looking at me with wide eyes, but I push him aside when I see her sitting on a examination bed, with her back towards me.

I stay silent, looking at her hair and my heart melts and spreads through my body. I walk over slowly, the anticipation of touching her almost bursting through my chest. I reach my hand to her shoulder, and she turns around.

Another tear falls when I see her face again. She smiles at me, turning her upper body towards me. Her eyes widen slightly, as she slides her legs over the bed, her whole body now directed at mine.

"Harry!" She exhales, her teeth showing. I grin at her, a third tear rolling off my cheek. A few seconds of melting into her eyes pass before she says, reaching out her hand;

"Nice to finally meet you! I'm Claire."


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Anyways, see you in the next one xx

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