getting to know her..

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Jungyeon's POV

Brr.. Its really cold! I breathed on my hands making it warm.

Jungyeon it's time to go! ..
Arasso appa!

I ran to the girl hurriedly..

Jungyeon: i will come and find you.. (he got teary all of a sudden)
Remmeber our promise!
Just wait for me and remmeber.. this will not be our last goodbye
"saranghe" i will never forget you!

End of flashback

I woke up when i felt my tears in my cheeks.. Aishh..
Another dream about you again.. I sighed heavily. I hope i can find you soon..
Jungyeon stood up from his bed while wipping his tears and prepared for school.

Few minutes later..
Jungyeon came down for breakfast and saw his father having a breakfast while reading the newspaper as his daily routine.

Jungyeon: goodmorning appa!

Father Yoo: goodmorning son! You seemed to be in a good mood today
(flipping the page of the newspaper)

Jungyeon: really? I guess it shows through my face.. (smirking..)

Well at first i was shocked to know about the turning events but i realized some things and the words came through me "i think it would be nice to experience being in love again".with that being said i smirked and thinked about the things that would make me fall deeply in love with her.

Father Yoo: oowwhh... I am hoping you wouldn't treat her that bad just like what you did to your ex Jungyeon

I was a bit hurt when my father mentioned about my ex-girlfriend, Her name was Momo she was my ex and i would tell you that our relationship was going well until she played with my feelings Aarrghh!! Just remmebring it makes me so frustrated...

Moving on...

Jungyeon: arraso appa this time i'm gonna treat her different.. (smiled suspiciously) ..

At the school

Nayeon's POV

I was sitting quietly at my favorite chair staying silent when the teacher told me that Jungyeon will be my seatmate from now on.

Nayeon felt bothered already.
" am i really that destined to be with him..
Aauugghhh..." That's not all! since jungyeon transferred here at our school,the girls became more wild if i would say.. Because of his looks and personality and almost the things that every girl would imagine to have as a boyfriend. They even set a name for him " Prince Yoo".

Rumors about him began to spread so fast. I'm guessing that a commotion might start tomorrow just because of him.

But right now..i could feel the cold stares of the girls. And yep they're probbably jealous.
Even my friend Mina got jealous that she even glared at me.

Few minutes later...
I stayed silent of course. I was actually kinda avoiding him for some reason i just don't wanna get involved with him.

Jungyeon broke the silence

Jungyeon: umm... Sorry to bother you but i want to know more about my classmates here.. cannn... i start with you? (smiling brightly).

I was startled when he talked to me, he looked innocent and good looking. I couldn't believe that a simple smile could even make me blush


 Changes Because Of You Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz