The end for us

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Jeongyeon's POV

I was sitting in the sofa watchin the tv when i heard a doorbell. Iopened the door and saw my little brother Chaeng. I welcomed him with an open arms.

Jeongyeon: Chaengiee!!

Chaeyoung: i'm home hyung

Jeongyeon: ya! Why you didn't tell me that you're coming home today

Chaeyoung: i wanna suprise you hyung

Jeongyeon: ahh well next time tell me so i could fetch you at the airport

Chaeyoung: arasso hyung!

The next day

I saw Nayeon on the way to school when i tapped her shoulders and told her.

Jeongyeon: by the way thanks for the homework pabo bunny

She just ignored me and walked faster so she could get away from me.

Meanwhile at lunch time~

I was about to go to the rooftoo when i suddenly heard Nayeon's voice and Minhyuk's. I listened to them and heard them scolding at each other. I smirked." I guess Minhyuk doesnt give up heh.. " i said while hiding.

Nayeon: what do you want Minhyuk?

Minhyuk: of course i want you!!

Minhyuk came closer and grabbed Nayeon's hand.

Nayeon's POV

I was getting more scared i remembred my past when i was still a child. A stranger grabbed my hand and i became the hostage so he put the gun near my head. I was crying so loud that i thought that it will be the end of my life.

I was shaking while Minhyuk came closer and closer to me. I close my eyes when i suddenly felt someone grabbed my hand. It was Jeongyeon who showed up.

Jeongyeon: ya. Can you stop..

I could see his face ranging with anger.

Minhyuk: you again?! Stop bothering us!!

Jeongyeon: tch.. I told you she's my fiancee right!

Minhyuk: so what? I know that you just said those words back then because you want to protect her.

I was still shaking..

Jeongyeon: can't you see she's shaking from fear. Get out from here or else i'll call my bodyguards to arrest you..

Minhyuk walked out while stomping his feet like a kid.

Jeongyeon hugged me tightly and let me calm in his arms.

Jeongyeon: you're really an idiot Im Nayeon...

I was getting more calm and he let go of me.

Jeongyeon: i got to tell you something

Nayeon: what is it?

Jeongyeon: me and Mina are in relationship now. So i want our pretend relationship to stop.

I was shocked by this turning of events. I agreed to him and congratulated him.

A few weeks later..

I was at home and saw my father looking down. He feels depressed somehow. I saw him and asked him what's wrong?

Father Im: you see the Yoo company decided to stop having a partner with us.

I was shocked and i got frustrated i knew that it was Jeongyeon's fault that this happened!!

Nayeon: what happen appa why?

Father Im: it looks like it's his Son's fault..

I knew it it's him!!
I called him and told him to meet me at XXXX

I was waiting for him when he suddenly came.

Jeongyeon: oh it's been a long time..

I slapped his face and looked at him with full of anger.

Jeongyeon: what is wrong with you? Calling me all of a sudden and slapping me!

Nayeon: that's supposed to be my line!! what is wrong with you i did the things that you let me do and now you do these things to me?!

Jeongyeon: what do.. Ah! You mean the business.. Of course it's normal i wouldn't wanna have an affair with you while im in with Mina... Of course i wanna be Mina's fiancee instead!

Oh! By the way i used you so i could get close to Mina thanks by the way..

I was about to slap him again while crying. But he stopped me with his hand.

Nayeon: i really hate you!!

Jeongyeon: don't worry i've never even liked you (smirking)

I was crying and i felt a huge pain in my chest. I felt my chest being heavier that i was crying out for it. Maybe it's beacuse i loved him... That's why i feel these things..

Jeongyeon left me and i was crying by myself. I climbed on the rooftop on the building. I was standing at the end of it. I couldn't bear this feelings anymore. I don't want this feeling i wanna be free.

I jumped while closing my eyes...
This is the only way i could remove these feelings..

Hello everyone!! Just to let you know this is just a prank this is not the real chapter 😂😂 Happy April fools day everyone!! Sorry for this chapter though!!  The real one is the other update titled"Being with you" Plz continue on loving my story! Love you all!! 😆😆

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