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You were on a holiday for the summer over in France to go see your long time friend, Jerome, and his friend, Prince. They were living it up over there and invited you to join them, so you thought why not. You arrive at the airport and see Jerome standing there with a big goofy smile on his face, you couldn't help but laugh as you walk up to him and hug him.

"Hey Rome." You say with a laugh.

"Hey Y/N. How have you been girl?" He asks, hugging you back.

"I've been great, so happy to be here." You smile.

You hear someone clear their throat and look to your left, standing there and looking at you was his friend, Prince.

You hear someone clear their throat and look to your left, standing there and looking at you was his friend, Prince

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"Are you going to introduce me, Jerome?" Prince asks, not breaking eye contact with you.

Jerome extends his hand between you and Prince.

"Prince, this is Y/N." He says.

Prince's stare at you gets more intense, you don't know what it is, but something about him draws him to you.

Prince's stare at you gets more intense, you don't know what it is, but something about him draws him to you

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"Y/N, this is my buddy well more like brother, Prince." Jerome says proudly.

You smile and nod, Prince takes your hand and gently places a tender kiss on the back of it, making you blush. He smirks and lets go, you put your hand back by your side.

"Lets go!" Jerome says clearing his throat.

The three of us head back to their apartment, Jerome helps you settle in. After all that's done the three of you sit outside on the patio, talking.

"So, Y/N, anything new?" Jerome asks.

"I got a promotion." You say proudly.

"What? No way! How come you didn't tell me?" Jerome asks.

"Well I'm telling you now!" You laugh.

"That's awesome! Congrats, you deserve it." He kisses your cheek and you smile.

Prince smiles at you.

"What do you do for work, Y/N?" He asks.

"I am now a high school teacher, I used to be just an assistant teacher aide." You smile.

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