Prince and Margaret Sitting In a Tree...

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Request for paisleystoryteller

A/N: Just a little FYI, I had a little too much fun gathering pictures and GIFs for this 😂 So enjoy, I know I thoroughly enjoyed writing this. This is the last request then I'm moving onto my 'Camille' series. I will still be taking Requests they will just take longer to come out while I'm working on my 'Camille' stories. You can either refer back to the 'Taking Requests' chapter or message me personally.

*Margaret's POV*

I flick through pages of the paper, trying to find jobs. I haven't landed a modelling gig in a long while, I'm starting to grow worried. I have bills piling up, they aren't going to pay themselves. I scoff to myself, if only. I sigh to myself, nothing. I get up and walk into the kitchen and briefly glance at the small shopping list I made late last night. I still have a fair bit of money I'm just budgeting, but these bills are huge.

I grab my car keys and my purse, shoving the shopping list into my purse while heading out the door. I hop into my car and head to the local supermarket. While I'm shopping I notice a small crowd around the magazine stand, I furrow my brows and walk over. Everyone is reading the latest Entertainment Mag, it has Prince on the Cover.

Prince: The Purple Rain Star is seeking a beautiful woman for his new project, he needs a model who can dance for a new video on his upcoming album, 'Parade'

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Prince: The Purple Rain Star is seeking a beautiful woman for his new project, he needs a model who can dance for a new video on his upcoming album, 'Parade'. He is even willing to go public with this as he has deadlines to meet.

My heart drops, if only I could land a job like that. I may be a model and have the looks but I do have some dancing skills up my sleave too, I did ballet for several years from when I was little into my teens. I did other styles of dance in between, but I bet there's thousands of girls lined up for that job. I'd be lucky to get the 'We'll call you when there's a spot opened up for you' call.

I pay for my food and walk back to my car. As I'm putting my food in my car a man approaches me in a suit, I look up at him.

"Are you Margaret?" He asks.

"Ahh yes? Who's asking?" I ask.

"I'm one of Prince's bodyguards. I've been asked to give you this." He hands me an envelope.

I furrow my brows, opening the envelope. It's an invitation to audition for the part in his video, my jaw drops as I look up at the bodyguard.

" does he even know about me?" I ask.

"He's been looking for models for his project for awhile now and came across you recently. We had to make sure yoy weren't already working." He confirms.

Oh, alrighty then. Makes sense I guess.

"Oh okay. So I guess I'll be seeing him this afternoon?" I ask.

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