Chapter 29. A perfectly awesome bitch.

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The letter from Neal  actually made Laura mad as hell, not scared. Well, she could admit that her first feeling had been scare and that she felt a few minor shivers up her spine as she'd first seen it, but later it just  made her fuming mad.

Okay. If he was as stupid as she thought he was, she was going to be prepared. And she was going to be very much so. He would be the one who would not see things coming. Because, if push comes to shove, she knew that she could be a perfectly awesome bitch, she just knew it.

So, ever since she had received that letter, she'd been mentally prepared. Now she just had to be prepared the other way too. She had always hated violence, but if she would be forced too, she would not hesitate to take action.

She was just a little unsure on what kind of action she would have to take when the time would come.

Studying the knife that lay on her dresser, she gulped down a huge lump in her throat. Slowly like in a daze, she slid it down into one of the boots she had on. She could walk around with it in her boot . . .just in case.

She shivered.

It was like waiting on. . . on what, she wondered. She was really too angry to be scared now. She almost wished that coward would make a move soon, so this could be over with.

Giving herself an almost angry glare in the mirror above the chest of drawers in her bedroom, she noted that she did not look like a color palette in the face anymore. It also looked like all the swelling was gone. Even her nose looked the right size now.

Okay. She was happy with that. Really pleased.

She could even touch her nose without feeling any pain, and that too, was good. It meant that she could stow away her medicine for good.

Today was her first day back at work, after all that had happened, and she was so excited. Yeah, she still had a job. And she was determined to do whatever to keep it. Almost.

Well, she would NOT give up Cody. That she knew for sure. No female in her right mind would do that.

She grabbed the keys to the car and exited her house, her spirit high. She could do this. She would face all the customers down at the Pint as if she did not have a care in the world of what they would think. Because the simple fact was that she didn't care. At all.

~ ~ ~

He gazed at his cellphone one more time and shook his head. What in the world could be the reason for her not to answer? He just wanted to tell her that he would be a little late tonight, as his employer had asked him to stay a little while longer. Phil did not mind, because it would mean more money in his pocket. More money he could spend on his girlfriend. He smiled impishly.

Well, he could try to get in touch with Marla later he though as he got back to work.

These last weeks had been pure bliss to him and he was very much grateful for that. Marla had been the perfect girlfriend from the very first moment they had been an official item. She had not shown one single sign of being hurt or jealous of their mom's and Cody's relationship, even though she if anyone could have been, given that their mom was the reason to why Cody broke up with her in the first place.

Okay, she had been baffled to say the least, but who could blame her. Phil certainly did not.

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