My little neko

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Anti's POV
I hid under a bench it was raining and cold ,every part of me was damp and cold I curled myself up in a ball to try and warm myself up , I hear footsteps approaching and I see a man walking towards me he looks strong I should hide myself but he already spotted me shit he knelt down and looked at me
"Hey there you shouldn't be out here in the freezing cold especially when it's raining come with me I have shelter and food" he says his voice was smooth and calming he holds out a hand for me , I hesitate before taking it he puts the umbrella above both of us and walking home.

We arrived at his home and it was as so warm and nice I purr at the warmth I look over at the stranger I could get a proper look at him now he had red dyed hair , gorgeous red eyes his skin was a tanned colour and he was muscular he seemed sweet and nice
"Ok so I'll get dinner ready and you can wear some of my clothes they may be a bit big but it'll work for now" he says I nod and head of to the single bedroom at the end of a small corridor. The inside of that room was pretty small but nice he had dark red walls which made the place feel... warm I walk over to the big wardrobe and open it inside was full of clothes I pick out a red flannel and I tried wearing a comfy pair of trousers but they were a bit big for me and kept sliding down so I just wore my boxers I put everything back and pick my clothes up and walk back to the kitchen.

Dark's POV
The Neko walks back in he looked adorable in my flannel
"W-wear do put these?" He asks beckoning to his clothes
"Oh over there on the dryer " I say pointing to it he throws them on it and sits at the table I hand him his food and he immediately starts eating he must've been out there a while
"What's your name?" I ask he looks up
"O-oh Anti what's yours?"
"I'm Dark why were you out there?" I ask again he seemed to frown a bit at this
"Well my previous master threw me out  and I have no other place to go" Anti replies I hug him he hesitates before hugging back
"So just to make sure cuz I know Neko's have certain places they can't be touched were are they?" I ask
"Well there's the obvious places and the tail but other than that it's fine"
"So I can scratch your ear?" I ask he nods I scratch the back of his ear and he purrs I smile he snuggles his face into my chest
"Your a nice Master " Anti says
"Yes if you take care of a Neko like you are know you are technically my Master why do you not want to be called that?" He asks looking at me with his gorgeous blue eye
"Well I don't mind either call me Dark or Master but can I call you something?" I ask he tilts his head in confusion I hold him close
"My little Neko"

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