First meeting

154 7 1

"Pewwwdiwpie" is online

Pewwwdiepie-Jackkkkk.  I have someone I think you want to meet

Jackaboy-Felix I'm not in the mood right now

Pewwwdiepie-Your never in the mood. But I promise you will flip when I add him 


"Pewwwdiepie" added "Markimoo"

Jackaboy-FELIX YOU DIDN'T!!!

Pewwwdiepie-Oh yes I did. Mark this is jack. Jack this is mark


Jackaboy- I think I just died inside


Jackaboy- I think I'm bleeding again. Or I'm just dying in general

Markimoo-R u ok jack?

Pewwwdiepie-Its complicated to explain Mark. I'll be over in a few ok  jack?

Jackaboy- sys


"Private chat with "Markimoo" and "Jackaboy" "

Markimoo- You OK jack?

Jackaboy-it's uh.....complicated to explain and can't really text right now I'll text you more later though

Markimoo-Alright, be careful

Jackaboy- I'll try....


Jack's P.O.V.

      If only he knew what I was really going through...

That I'm suicidal,

I have depression,

I have anxiety,

and i have a huge crush on him

If only he knew....  


I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of this trashy story.

Sorry bout spelling, grammer and other stuff I mess on for the future

Stay happy!

~Sarah ♡

//Holding onto you//-Septiplier Skype story Where stories live. Discover now