The court trial

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(Just for reference it's now the middle of January)

Marks P.O.V.

      Today was the day. The court day to see if Amy was guilty or not. I got a very good lawyer and some very good friends to back me up. Ethan and Sarah had flow in from New York and Tyler and Felix were also going. Me and Ryan are sitting next to each other because he is a witness and if I don't have anyone I might have a panic attack the second I see Amy and the judges understand that so they are letting Ryan sit next to me.

      "Felix I can't been thank you enough for editing that for me." I said as he gave me the USB. "Yeah your lucky I did. That was disgusting. She's such a bitch." Felix replied. "Yeah. I'm sorry you had too see that I just couldn't relive it again." I said and sat on the couch. "Its okay Mark I understand." Felix said, patting my back. I sighed, running my hands through my brown hair. Chica came up and sat next to me on the couch and I pet her head, relaxing instantly. Getting a dog was a very good idea it really helped me. "We should leave soon. The trial is at 2:30 and we have to be there early so Mark can meet with his lawyer."  Ryan said. Everyone gathered the things they were bringing into two cars. Me and Jack's car and Felix and Ryan's car.

      "I really appreciate you guys coming to LA for this." I said to Sarah and Ethan as we we're driving. "It's no problem Mark. I also want to make sure she goes to jail for a long time for causing all of this to Sean and you." Sarah said. "Yeah I sure hope she gets sent to jail for a long time." I replied and continued driving, humming the music that was playing on the radio. My mind drifted to Jack in his hospital bed just laying there. I had to win this for him. Soon getting out of my thoughts, I pulled into the court parking lot with Felix and Ryan's car behind me.

This was it

No turning back now


*Time skip*

      "Mark remember deep breaths okay? She's coming in soon." Ryan said. I nodded, trying to sooth my nerves. I was bouncing my leg up and down and fidgeting with my fingers. My eyes never left the floor the whole time we had been in there. I was too scared to see her. I heard the doors squeak open and I swear my heart stopped for a second. But then I remembered I had to be strong. I had to win this for Jack and my safety. I couldn't act weak in front of her. Maybe when I got home I could curl up in a ball and cry but not right now.

"Order in the court!"


3rd person P.O.V.

     "Mark please explain your side of the story." The judge said. Taking a shaky breath Mark began to explain what happened. "So I was just taking a breather from the party and I went back to me and my boyfriend Jack's house which was across the street from the party. I was going to set up....uh something for us." Mark blushed suggestively, looking down. "And I had cameras set up and I was about to text him when I heard a door open downstairs. I though it might have been Jack so I was just waiting upstairs.. and well....."

*Flashback to the other night*

     Mark was sitting on the bed, his shirt already off. He was looking at his Twitter and liking pictures from the party when the bedroom door opened. He looked up expecting to see his boyfriend. But it was Amy. "Oh hey Amy. What's up?" Mark asked. The female blushed seeing Mark already had his shirt off. This was going to be easy for her.

     "Oh Jack was looking for you and he sent me to come find you. So put a shirt on and let's go." She lied. "Oh alright." Mark replied and went to his closet to get another nice shirt, his other one being very sweaty. He was looking through his and Jack clothes when Amy came up behind him and stabbed him with the needle. Mark was too shocked to fight back. His legs were slowly becoming weaker and he grabbed onto his dresser as his legs gave out. Any threw the needle somewhere in the room and dragged the weakened Mark over to the bed.

      "W-What are you d-doing?" He stuttered. He was loosing control of all his limbs and this scared him. "Shhhh you'll find out." She said before harshly throwing his body onto the bed. He yelped, not feeling it at all but at the same time it hurt like hell. His eyes trailed over to Amy who was getting rope out of her bag. He tried to struggle but he could barley move at this point.

   "Struggling is going to make it worse. Don't worry you won't feel any more pain. Besides, we're getting to the good part." She said and strated tying his hands to the headboard and his feet to the footboard. Loosing basically all feeling in his body he could only move his eyes around to watch Amy. He could also talk but barley his whole face was numb.

    Mark was mortified as he watched her start to remove her shirt. He mentally screamed at himself to start moving, screaming anything but watch her remove her clothes. But he didn't he just laied there, tied up doing nothing but watch the girl who was about to rape him. He didnt even think it was possible for a girl to rape a guy but apparently it was now.

     He barely noticed that he was slightly shaking, his eyes dripping with tears. He also didnt understand why he was aroused and seeing spots. Must have been whatever she had in that needle. Some kind of drug that was seriously messing with his head.

    "Now if you even think about screaming for help jack is dead. Also you better enjoy this or I have another reason to kill him." She snapped. Mark nodded and blinked away tears as she sat on his knees.

*Flashback over*

   "And that's what happened. And....other stuff happened after that if you could already guess." Marks eyes got glossy. "If you don't mind I can show you proof that this happened." Mark said. Amy gaped and look over at him when he said that. Mark handed the officer the USB and the officer gave it to the judge. "Alright. Mark come with me. The rest of you may have a break." The judge said. Ryan gave Mark a sympethetic look before he got up and went over to Felix. Mark got up and went with the judge to a back room.

    "So I knew you wouldn't want me to show this in front of everyone so I took you back here." The judge said. "Thank you." Mark replied and watched as the judge plugged the USB into the laptop and opened the video. "My friend edited it so it shouldn't show anything bad." Mark replied. "Okay. If your uncomftorable you can go stand over by the door." The judge said. Mark nodded and the video started playing. Mark closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. He heard the whole video and he was trying not to burst into tears again.


   I opened my eyes and wiped them, a few tears falling anyways. "She's going to be sent to jail for a long time. I promise she won't bother you or Jack ever again." The judge said. "Thank you... Thank you so much!" I said and hugged the judge tightly.

Thank God that she was going to be gone forever


Ah I'm so sorry that this took so long to get uploaded. I know the court scene is probably not right and I have writters block so I'm sorry

Also it's snowing currently so

Okay anyways have a good day/ night. I love you guys and thanks for reading

~Sarah 💜

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