Reasons why you matter

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*one month later*

Marks P. O. V.

Hello everybody. So it's been a while I known i'm sorry I was gone for so long. I missed you guys and I missed playing games. And I bet when I said I was uploading a video in a month you were expecting a gaming video not another 'Mark is an emotional mess video'. But I promise I'm not going to cry the whole time. Maybe half of the time." I chuckled to myself before continuing. "This video, as you can see by the title is all the reasons why you matter. And this video is for all of you out there and for Jack. I want this to be the first thing he sees when he wakes up so he knows how much I care about him and of course all of you guys as well. Now let's get into the video." I said with a smile.

"Reason number one, someone out there cares about you. You may think no one does but someone does. I defiantly care. Reason number two, you were put on earth for a reason. You may not know it yet but you are important. You never know what you could accomplish and how are you going to do it if your not here? Reason number three, I believe in you so much. I know every single one of you has a great future and I'm glad I can start you in the right direction. Number four, everyone here is not alone. You have the community to talk too. And I know I can't talk to every single one of you. I swear I would bear the burden for all of you. I would bear--" my voice cracked and I was crying again. I took a few moments to calm down before continuing.

"But I cant. There are so many of you just know I do care about each and everyone one of you. Number five, One day you might talk someone you know out of suicide. You can save someones life, please cherish your own and help others. Even if you think others around you wont miss you, I guarantee that someone will."

"Number six, You are beautiful and perfect the way you are. If others have called you names, called you worthless and told you to kill yourself please don't. You are beautiful and if you cant see that get a better mirror, look a little closer, stare a little longer. Because something inside you made you want to keep trying. And if you are still alive from a past suicide attempt that means something. I know its hard to stop, trust me I do know, but I also know you all can get better. Each attempt will just make you stronger as you slowly begin to realize your meant to be on this earth. Your going to change the world. Each and everyone of you even if its just something small." I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath in before continuing.

"Reason number seven, you only get one chance at your life. Once you die you can't re spawn like in a video game. So please keep living until your old and have lived a good life. Reason number eight, you are more then your body. Maybe people have been making fun of you for the way you look or you aren't happy with it. You have the power to change it and even if you cant, you are perfect the way you are. Reason number nine, you are irreplaceable. No one could ever be the same as you. Your unique and no one could ever replace you so stay you and stay true to yourself. Don't let others change you."

"Reason number ten, you can delete the past from your head. You may have had a traumatic experience that caused you to start cutting but you can get rid of those memories. You can get hypnotized to forgot or try talking to your doctor so you can get rid of the memories. Reason number eleven, you were put here for a purpose. To live and be happy. So once again please cherrish your life dearly and be thankful for all that you have. Reason number twelve, the world doesn't define you. You can be anyone you want to be. And people might make fun of you so just ignore them. One day someone will admire you for all you have done and for the amazing person you are. Reasons thirteen, You are the somebody that somebody else needs. You may feel like you are not needed or wanted in this world but i promise you are. You might be brignting someone's day by just seeing you whenever they may see you. Some people are shy so you never know who would want to be friends with you or who loves you. Just keep trying, stay alive and I promise things will get better."

"I linked suicide hotlines for each country in the description so if you or someone you know or love is having a hard time believing  in themselves, give them the number or have them watch this video. If your watching this and you were or are struggling with suicide I hope that video helped you. Please share that video to save a life. And as always I will see you all in the next video. Buh bye!" I finished and did my signature wave before turning off the camera.

After that video I started going to therapy so I could talk with someone about my feelings. I was put on anti depressents so I would stop cutting. My therapist recommend I get a pet to get my mind off of everything and so I have another being in my house that I could take care of. So I got a dog. I also dyed my hair back to its original brown and got dark green strike dyed in so I could be reminded of Jack.

 I also dyed my hair back to its original brown and got dark green strike dyed in so I could be reminded of Jack

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Everything started to get better. I stopped cutting and Amy was going on trial. I just had to worry about seeing her again in the next month. I needed to get her sent to jail. But I'm not going to worry too much about it because I have proof that she raped me.

She was going to get what she fucking deserved






~Sarah 😊💜

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