Mark's Bad dream (filler chapter but kind of important)

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Mark's P. O. V.

Everything was suddenly white.




Suddenly I felt a dark presence and everything went to grey. "Oh Markimoo we finally meet. Nice to see you." A voice said. It sounded much like Jacks voice but more evil in a way. I suddenly felt something on my neck and arms restraining me. "Ah who the fuck are you!" I said and struggled. "The names Anti. And you better get used to seeing me in the dreamscape because we'll be talking frequently." He said and I felt something drag across my neck and I screetched in pain and fell to the floor.

"Your so weak Mark. I don't get why Jack is so in love with you." Anti sneered and walked around, his eyes never leaving me. I looked up and got a good look at him. Dark green hair, wearing all black, ripped jeans and black vans. His shirt was a little bit ripped and there was a bleeding cut on his neck. Every so often he would glitch. I coughed and a little bit of blood came out and was on the floor. "Oh man if only Jack was here. Oh wait. He is." Anti snapped his fingers and Jack appeared. He was tired to a chair, tape over his mouth. Cuts littered his arms and tears fell down his face. I heard muffled scremaing coming from him when he saw me.

"Shut the fuck up Jack! My god your such a little baby just like your stupid boyfriend over here." Anti said and walked around Jack, poking him with the knife ever so often. "Will you just leave us alone! What do you want from us?" I asked. "Well I want to be in control. Me and Dark. No more Mark and Jack. The fans want us anyways. Don't you read your comments?" Anti asked.

"Sometimes but I never have seen anything about you or this Dark person." I said and cough again, more blood spewing onto the group. Jack screamed more. I looked up at him to just see him and not Anti. I got up and wants about to run over to Jack when he started shaking his head and crying more, his scremaing muffled but loud.

"Jack what is it wh----" a sharp pain was in my chest. I looked down to find a knife right throught me before it got yanked out. I watched the blood blossom thought my shirt before falling down. Jack was scremaing and crying, I could hear him even throught the duck tape. I stared seeing spots and I coughed viloently. I glanced up at Jack long enought to see him get stabbed in the stomach by Anti. A sudden burst of energy ran through my body and I got up and ran at Anti, punching him square in the jaw. He barely moved. "You don't know what you just did Mark. You fucking idiot." Anti said and looked back at me, his eyes glowing green.

I fell right on my butt and backed up until I hit a wall. Anti slowly came towards me, his glitching increased, making him scaryer. I started to scream, not only from Anti because I noticed Jack was no longer moving in the chair, blood pouring onto the floor. The last thing I saw were Anti's green eyes before waking up in the fort I had made for me and jack. Jack was on top of me, looking at me with a worried expression.

"Mark what's wrong? You were screaming my name and crying!" Jack said and helped me sit up, his blue eyes gazing into my brown ones. I hugged him tightly and cried. I babbled on about my  dream through sobs and Jack just hugged me tighter and rubbed my back. "It's okay Marki I'm right here. Anti isn't real he isn't going to hurt you or me." Jack said. I still felt weird. Like something had left me during that dream. "Marki? Are you okay? You seem very shaken up." Jack asked, his hands running through my hair.

"I-It was s-scary. It seemed s-so r-real!" I said, more tears falling down my cheeks. Jack looked at me and wiped tears off my face. "Baby it was fake. We're both alive and well right now. Nothing bad's going to happen to us I promise." Jack said and kissed my cheek. Then he licked my face. "Did you just lick me?" I asked and giggled a little bit. "I was licking your tears away. Look your laughing!" Jack said and licked the other side of my face, causing me to giggle more.

"This is why I love you. You always know how to make me smile." I said. "Your welcome Marki. I love you too." Jack said and licked my nose. We both burst out into a fit of giggles and fell back on the bed hugging and giggling. We started tickling eachother and messing around for a while. "Jacki what time is it?" I asked. "5:30. I can't sleep anymore though. I'm wide awake." Jack said. "Same. Let's stay here for a little bit before we get up thought." I said and cuddled up to him. Usually he would cuddle up to me so this was new to him but he enjoyed it. I put my hands under his shirt and rubbed his back. His left hand ran throught my hair as his right was wrapped around me.

I love Jack so fucking much

I would never hurt him....


Word count: 913 (so short)

Okay so this is just a filler chapter so you guys don't go like a month without a new chapter.

But don't worry! The ethan and Felix birthday chapter will be up on October 24th,  so don't worry. I have been taking a long time to write and plan it and I know you guys will love it. See ya then ✌

~Sarah 💜

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