Surprise Marki (part two)

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Marks P. O. V.

He was right there in front of me

Standing and awake


"'s me." Jack laughed while saying this. He probably couldn't believe he was seeing me either, his eyes a bit glossy.

I couldn't hold back anymore. In engulfed him in a hug and fell to my knees with him in my lap. I was a mess, hugging him tightly and sobbing my eyes out into his Berlin shirt. He as hugging me back just as tight and a few tears fell onto my back. I pulled away a bit,  cupping his face in my hands.

"Your real."

"Of course I'm real you goof." he also held my face in his hands.

Chuckling softly, I kissed him and remembered all of the times we had kissed and everyone before the incident. Everything was behind us we were stuck in the moment, kissing eachother as our tears mixed.



"You forgive me right?"

"Of course I do. I heard everything you have said over the past few months. I've waited to say I forgive you for so long. And I've wanted to so sorry for so long." he looked down while saying this and I lifted his head up to face me.

"Baby it's not your fault.  It's Amy's remember, she caused all this. It's not your fault."

"But--" "No buts. It's okay, your here now and that's all that matters. Right?"

"Yeah, right...."

"I love you."

"I love you too Marki."

We shared another kiss before calming down a bit. Tears were steadily falling out of both of our eyes so we attempted to calm down a bit. I took a bit to look around to see where we were in the hospital. We were in a big room and I already saw a few cameras set up around. "I guess this was the surprise Felix was hinting at yesterday." I said.  "Probably unless he had something else planned.  You never know with him." Jack said and laughed. "Yeah." I said and also laughed. 

"How's your nose?" Jack asked, lightly grazing his fingers over the bandaid. "It's okay. It hurts a bit,  might leave a bruise but otherwise it's fine." I replied. "I just realized how different you look because your hair is back to its natural color." He said,  bringing his hand up to feel my hair. He gasped when he saw the green stripe. "Did you dye that...." "Just so I would be reminded of you everyday when I looked in the mirror or edited. And speaking of hair yours is very faded." I said and laughed as I played with his hair.

His hair was green but his brown roots were showing alot and his hair was very long. "Well I can't control what happens to my hair while I'm not awake for like 9 months." he replied,  shoving me playfully. I giggled, nuzzling him. "When can you come home?" I asked. "Sometime.... oh I don't know, today?" My eyes widened,  a smile painted on my face.

"Then let's go home and surprise the others."


"Okay now be quiet, we're going inside." I said.  I was holding Jack in my arms but he was fully covered with a huge blanket so it looked like I was holding a big blanket. But in reality,  Jack was under it ready to surprise everyone. Felix was recording behind me as I opened the door. "Hey everyone I have a surprise so come in here!" I said.

"Marks its your birthday shouldn't we be surprising you?" Tyler asked. "Well this is my surprise from Felix and you guys didn't know about it so I'm surprising you guys. Can I have a chair?" I asked. Sarah got me a char from the kitchen and soon everyone was in the living room. "Okay ready? Everyone close your eyes." I said, I put my hand under the blanket and sqeased Jack's hand. He was surprised and made a small noise.  "Mark did your blanket just make noise?" Wade asked.  "What.... No defiantly not.  Just close your eyes and don't ask questions!"  I snapped.  "Okay god." Wade said and everyone closed there eyes. I had security cameras installed so we could get some footage off of that as well.

I took the blanket off of Jack and his hair was all messy standing everyone. I couldnt help but to burst out laughing. "Mark are you going crazy?" Bob asked.  "No... I'm fine..." I said and contained to laugh as Jack decided to start tickling me. I was laughing so hard that I fell off the chair with Jack on top of me, still ticking me.

    We were so wrapped up in the moment we didn't realized everyone staring at us being stupid on the floor.

"Hey guys......."


It has been a few hours and everyone was downstairs watching movies. Me and Jack were upstairs cuddling. We left everyone downstairs but they understood. We needed our time together because of how long's it's been since we have been together.

"Mark, did you stop cutting?" 

I was startled by this question. "How did you know I cut? I never told you." I asked looking over at him. "I heard Felix and Ryan talking about it one time. So did you stop?" Jack asked, taking one of my arms in his hands. "Yeah I did. You can't really see the scars but I did for like two weeks." I replied, putting one of my hands in his soft hair. "Good. I would have been really upset if you kept cutting for a long time because of me. I'm not that important." He said, looking away from me. This made me snap. I pinned him down on the bed, a dark blush on his face.


"Don't ever say your aren't important. You have no idea how much I care about you. I have waited months to see you awake and with me. I've waited months to kiss you and be with you and hug you and now your saying your not important. Your my life Jack. I love you so much please stay with me I can't loose you again please." I begged, tears falling down my cheeks. He was speachless.

"You have to promise me that you wont even cut or harm yourself in any way. Please Jack. Please." I said and sobbed onto his shirt. "Mark.... Marki.... Shh it's okay. I promise I won't leave you." He said, hugging me tightly. "I'm sorry for making you cry twice today. I'm sorry I'm sorry  I'm sor--mhpf" I cut him off by kissing him, calming both of us down a little bit. "I love you so much I love you so much please it's okay baby."I said, tears still falling. I knew I was being clingy but I couldent help it. I missed him so much. "Shhh just calm down Marki. I love you too." He said and kissed my cheek. I took a deep breath, nuzzling into his neck. As I took deep breaths his comforting scent drew me in, calming me even more.

"I'm sorry for being so clingy." I said,  nuzzling my head deeper into his neck. "It's okay I would be the same way if you were in a coma for nine months." Jack replied, petting my head softly.

"How did I get so lucky to have you in my life?" 

"I don't know, ask Felix he's the one who introduced us."

"Heh, that's true. That is very true."


Ahhhhh I hope you guys enjoyed 😊

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