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Jack's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I grumbled and reached my arm out to try and find my phone. I found it and turned the alarm off. "Mark...get upppp." I said. "Five more minutes....." he mumbled. "We need the picture of Felix and Ryan for black maillll." I said and tried to get out of his grip. "No....five more minuets......" he mumbled and held onto me tighter.

"Markkkkkkk get uppp and let me goooo." I said. "Fineee." He let me go. "Mphhhh now I'm cold....." he mumbled. "Ill be back in a few minutes." I said and got up and grabbed my phone and snuck into Felix and Ryan's room. I quickly took a picture if then then snuck back out an into my room. "Gotteeee." I said and sat back down in the bed and showed Mark the picture

" I said and sat back down in the bed and showed Mark the picture

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(Just go with it......)

"Cuteeeee." He sat up and got his phone our of his pocket. "Send that too me pleaseeeeee." He said. "Okayyyy." I said and sent it, but not just too Mark


Heheheheheh exposesddd

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Heheheheheh exposesddd


Pewwwdiwpie- I hate you guys -_-

Lonerboy- sameeee. But we deserve it considering we got a pic of them

Jackaboy- That's correctttttt hehehheehheheheh


"You posted the picture?" I asked. He nodded and smiles evilly.

Markimoo- hwhehehehheehh

Pewwwdiepie- THIS IS WARRRRR

Lonerboy- that was a bad idea mark

"Omg he posted the picture of us on his Twitter!" I said and showed Mark. "Oh they are so dead... FELIX I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" He screamed. "MARK WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE GET THE HELL OUT." Felix screamed back.

//Holding onto you//-Septiplier Skype story Where stories live. Discover now