Part 1

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"Would Amelia Parker please report to the headmaster's office? Once again, that was Amelia Parker to the headmaster's office, please."

The intercom turned off with a loud click, and my classmates immediately went back to discussing politics and whatnot. It was the last five minutes of sixth period, which was English class for me. My professor, Mr. Cumberbatch, had turned us loose to do whatever we pleased, hence the political debates.

As a good student, I had been reading a book for an assignment that was due the following week. When my name was called, I began packing up my belongings. "Mr. Cumberbatch? May I leave now?"

He glanced up from the thick stack of papers on his desk, making eye contact with me only for a brief moment. "Yes, you may. Have a good weekend, Amelia."

"Thank you, sir." I flashed him a smile as I walked out of the classroom, heading down the hall towards the headmaster's office. I wasn't really nervous about going, unlike most other students; I was called down to his office on a monthly basis so we could discuss issues around the school – as Class President, I was supposed to do tasks like that.

The secretary led me into the headmaster's office, where he was waiting for me in his big leather chair. "Ah, Amelia, hello."

"Good afternoon, Mr. Hartwood. Is there something you need me to do?"

"No, just please take a seat." He motioned to the chair behind me and I did as told without any complaints. "Amelia..."


He let out a deep sigh and then there was a long pause of silence before he started speaking again. "I honestly don't know how to say this, but... We got a call from your mother. She's on her way to pick you up right now... Your father, on his way to work, was involved in a motor accident. He didn't make it out."

As soon as Mr. Hartwood said those last five words, I could feel my heart shatter into a million pieces. Thoughts rushed through my head that this must be some kind of joke, or possibly even a dream. I just sat there, stunned.

"I'm terribly sorry for your loss, Amelia. If there's anything the administration can do for you, anything at all, please let us know."

I heard him talking, but his words didn't really register in my brain. It was like that scene in the movies where you focus in on one small detail, and then everything else blurs out – hearing, vision, all of it.

"Amelia, please say something," he begged out of concern. "I'm worried about you."

My brain clicked back into reality and I immediately stood up. "I think I'm going to be sick..."

I threw open the door to Mr. Hartwood's office, and I just ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I ran all the way to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall, throwing up as soon as I turned around.

Tears began streaming down my face, and I held onto the toilet as I continued throwing up, choking on my sobs. "This can't be happening. This isn't real."

When I eventually stopped getting sick, I sat on the floor and leaned against the wall, ignoring the fact that it was probably filthy.

I sat there in the bathroom for what felt like forever before someone finally walked in. "Amelia Parker? Are you in here?"

From the ground, I weakly answered, "Last stall on the right."

I heard the shuffling of feet and then the door to my stall opened; it was the secretary. She had brought me some tissues and a bottle of water.

"Honey, your mother is here. Do you need me to go get you your things out of your locker?"

"N-no, I left them in the office. Tell her I'll be just a few minutes," I took the water bottle she offered me and started drinking it. All of this crying had made me thirsty.

"I will do that. Take your time." She spoke softly and then left.

As soon as I heard the bathroom door close behind her, I got up and went to look in the mirror. Obviously I looked like shit, so I used the tissues to clean up my face a little bit. I then used the rest of the water to get the leftover taste of vomit out of my mouth.

"It'll all be okay Amelia. I know it will. It'll just take some time."


"Amelia, I miss him too. I just have to stay strong and make sure that I can support our family. It's what he would want me to do," my mother spoke comfortingly to me as I sobbed into her lap whilst sitting on the sofa.

She ran her fingers through my hair, tracing circles behind my ear. "You know your father's number one goal was saving money so you could go to a good university. I'm going to try my best to make sure you still can."

I looked up at her, my face stained with tears. "But it isn't fair, mum. Why did he have to go? He never did anything wrong, unless you count loving his family as a crime..."

"I know, I know... It's not fair. None of it is. That's why we have to stay strong and show life that we'll make it through this."

I wiped my tears and just leaned against her body, my hands fidgeting. "What about Zoe? She's only seven."

"I don't know if she's grasped the concept of death yet," my mother sighed. "But I'm going to work with her. I'm going to help her. I promise."

I hugged her tightly and didn't let go, eventually falling asleep in her arms.


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