Part 3

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When I walked into the coffee shop, I was immediately overwhelmed by the aroma of roasted beans in the air. I closed my eyes for a brief moment and took in the scent, then looked around for Professor Cumberbatch.

I saw him sitting at a comfortable-looking table in the back of the shop, so I made my way towards him, my heart beating rapidly.

"Professor?" I asked as soon as I reached the table.

He jumped upon suddenly hearing a voice, but after seeing who it was, he instantly stood up. "Amelia, hello! Please have a seat. Would you like something to drink?"

I blushed and sat down across from him, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "I might in a bit. I'd really like to get started."

"We can do that." He smiled softly and watched as I took out my folder of assignments and pulled out a reading chart. "Did you start reading Wuthering Heights yet?"

"Yes, but I'm really confused about the family tree. I don't know who's who and who's related to whom."

Professor Cumberbatch simply chuckled. "Most students get confused about that. You're not alone. How about we work on creating a family tree together?"

I nodded and leaned forward as we worked out the messed up relationships between characters. "So Catherine, Old Catherine's daughter married Hareton and Linton Heathcliff?"

"At different times, yes. Although it wouldn't have surprised me if she were to have married them at the same time. These families are an absolute mess."

I laughed a genuine laugh as I filled out more of the family tree. "Professor–"

"Please, call me Benedict when we aren't in class."

I locked eyes with him for a moment, and I swear that I saw a sparkle in his eye. "Benedict... I'm going to go get something to drink now."

He quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out a fiver, handing it to me. "Get whatever you want. It's on me."

"I couldn't possibly let you pay. I'm already taking up your resting time."

"It's my pleasure. Please, take it." He offered the money again, so I sighed, accepted it, and then went to order myself a drink.


"Do you like reading, Amelia?" Benedict asked curiously as I started packing away my belongings.

"Oh God yes. Reading is amazing. I just haven't had the time or motivation lately. It's quite upsetting."

"What genre of books do you like? I'll read anything I can get my hands on."

I watched him as he grew excited about books, internally giggling because of how cute he was when he was nerding out.

"I guess that I prefer period pieces. I love anything by Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters. It's ironic actually, considering I'm struggling with Wuthering Heights." I looked up to see Benedict's eyes fixed on me as I spoke, and it made my heart flutter. I felt my cheeks start burning again, and I quickly tried to hide it by resting my cheek on my hand. "I will read anything though."

Professor CumberbatchWhere stories live. Discover now